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[Chapter 12]


Lethokuhle Khumalo.

I was currently in my room panicking, pacing up and down with Fathima just staring at me as she laid on my bed with her phone in hand.

Fathima: "Can you please just calm down?!" she snapped.

Me: "How the heck am i supposed when I just ruined my own life? huh? my future Fathima!! My grandparents are both looking forward to my success. They want me to bring that degree home, I can't disappoint them like this."

Fathima: "So what is going to happen?"

Me: "I have to tell Lwa first." Fathima and I were still very much good with each other. I had finally decided to let my guard down and let her in my life as a friend. I told her everything about my best friend's brother and i, she never judged me ever since. I also knew alot about her now.

Fathima: "Good thing, it's friday!" she winked as a knock came in the front door. I tidied up my room while she went to get the door.

Him: "Hey." I turned slowly and smiled.

Me: "Hey Lwa."

Lwa: "It's Friday. Mom is outside." He was rather cold today so I decided to shut my mouth. I got my overnight bag, my phone and charger then locked my bedroom. Fathima understood her boundaries and therefore me locking my bedroom everytime I leave our apartment, wasn't an issue. She understood because she also did the same. Anyways, I followed behind Lwa who was rather taking long strides to his mother's car.

Lwa: "You can sit in the front." I nodded confused. Only when I had got in the car, I noticed that there was a girl sitting in the back seat. I greeted her and aunt Thando, they both responded.

Aunt Thando: "Luzelwande, introduce your girlfriend phela." she said giggly. My heart beat accelerated st the mention of his girlfriend.

Lwa: "Ma!"

Aunt Thando: "Yini hawu!?!" she laughed and the girl giggled. 

Lwa: "So babe, that's Letho. She is my sister's best friend and Letho, this is my future wife Pam." I had to put on a face and act all happy.

Me: "It's so nice to meet you Pam."

Pam: "Like wise." I then kept quiet and focused on my phone while Lwande and his girlfriend were the only ones talking and giggling at the back. Aunt Thando finally parked the car in the driveway and we all got out. Londi came running outside to her mother crying

Aunt Thando: "Baby? what? what's wrong? why are you crying?" she asked all at once, visibly concerned.

Londi: "I'm bleeding mama." she sobbed burying her face on her mother's neck. I won't lie, sometimes I envied having a mother. It is never nice having to be the motherless or fatherless child that everyone treated like an egg just because they pitied her or tried to be kind to her. I also wish, I had both my parents on my first day of school taking pictures of me in my new uniform, accompanying me to school you know? I wish I also had my mother teach me about boys and puberty but i'm also grateful for my grandparents because they really did the best they could with me and for me.

Aunt Thando: "What baby?"

Londi: "Blood was coming out of my nana mommy! I'm so scared."

Aunt Thando: "Oh my god! Let's go get you cleaned up and have a chitchat." she walked away with Londi in her arms. I also followed inside the house, I went to the room I usually used when i'm here. I put my bag down then laid on the bed as a message from Lloyiso came through.

<Hey bubbles. You left early today, my dad was looking forward to meeting you.> he calls me bubbles because i have big eyes apparently.

<I'm sorry dude, I guess I will meet him some other time. Introduce your girlfriend.>

<F you! FYI they know each other.> i laughed responding to his message as the door opened.

Lwa: "Mom said to call you downstairs for lunch." I nodded.

Me: "can we talk please? just for a minute?"

Lwa: "Sure what's up?" he shrugged.

Me: "I'm pregnant." he stared at me shocked.

Lwa: "Um what's about school?"

Me: "I don't know Lwa. I will continue obviously."

Lwa: "Oh okay. Congratulations then I guess." he shrugged standing.

Me: "What do you mean Lwa? You are also responsible. I am freaking out, I don't know what to do."

Lwa: "How sure are you it's mine?"

Me: "Don't annoy me wena! Weren't you the one who broke my virginity?"

Lwa: "I didn't force you Letho and besides i just got into the rugby team, I can't have you ruining that for me please. I am very much young to be a father."

Me: "Well you surely didn't think that when you were busy pressuring me into sex huh?!"

Lwa: "Look, that's your baby so you do whatever with it, don't include me. You better not even tell my parents because I will make sure I also ruin you." I couldn't believe this. I couldn't believe this was the same Lwa I grew up playing with. The same Lwa who treated me so nice.. 

Lwa: "Lunch is ready."

Me: "No thank you i'm full."

Lwa: "Suit yourself." he walked out.


Aunt Thando: "Sweetheart."

Me: "Hey mah."

Aunt Thando: "Are you okay? You didn't come down for lunch."

Me: "Yes, i just have a little headache and some stomach cramps."

Aunt Thando: "I wil send Sakhi with some meds. My husband and I are going out, the kiddies are going to my mother so y'all are alone. Don't throw any parties in my house please." she said the last part jokingly but I couldn't even fake laugh.

Me: "We won't aunt."

Aunt Thando: "What is really going on? you not okay baby, I can see."

Me: "I'm fine mama."

Aunt Thando: "Let me tell your uncle this date can wait, you not okay."

Me: "Really, I'm fine mah. I just need to call my parents then I will be fine."

Aunt Thando: "Okay, please call me if you need anything okay?"  I nodded smiling. She kissed my cheek before walking out. As soon as she was out the door, I got under the cover and cried silently until I had a blocked nose and a pounding headache.

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