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[Chapter 17]



I'm on my 9th month of pregnancy and i am tired. I had to leave Res because i'm in my 'critical' month as the code of conduct says. Dad had arranged that i share an apartment with Lloyiso so he can keep an eye on me. Fathima has been very supportive towards me and she's been by my side since we found out about my pregnancy. She has basically turned into my baby daddy because whenever my cravings get crazy or my hormones, she is always there to take care of me together with my brother and Sbu.

I'm currently laying on the couch watching one of my reality shows while snacking on my current cravings which is popcorn topped with ketchup and a little sprinkle of cinnamon.

Dad: "Baby girl." he makes me sit up then lays my head on his chest. He starts taking some popcorn from my bowl

Dad: "How are we feeling today?" I sigh. My father and I don't always get along but he really tries his best with me especially during this time of my life. He is so supportive.

Me: "Tired, lazy and hungry."

Dad: "What do you want to eat?"

Me: "Nothing babah." he looks at me for sometime then nods.

Dad: "I think we will be meeting this little bunny soon.

Me: "I'm not ready."

Dad: "He is." Yep, I am having a boy and everyone is happy. My grandparents also do come this side to check on me since i now live here.

Me: "Baba, won't my baby be invading our room with Amahle? I mean he might disturb her alot..."

Dad: "Don't worry about that, i've taken care of it."

Me: "How?"

Dad: "Amahle is moving to Luyolo's room and that room will yours and the baby's."

Me: "That's nice! but Luyolo?"

Dad: "He has a whole apartment behind the house."

Me: "Oh yeah!" Bhuti Luyolo got married months back and so dad handed him keys to one of the flats outside for when they visit with his wife.

Doctor: "Hi mommy!" she sings walking in on me as I am breastfeeding my baby. I gave birth like an hour ago. I got into labor earlier today while we were chilling with dad.

Me: "Hi."

Doctor: "How are we doing?"

Me: "Good so far." she smiles and peeps at the baby.

Doctor: "Named him yet?" I shake my head with a smile.

Me: "But I do have a name."

Doctor: "Let's hear it?"

Me: "Sqalokuhle."

Doctor: "Oh that's a very nice name, with a deep sense too."

Me: "Yes. He is my new beautiful beginning."

Doctor: "I am glad to hear that, we don't want the depressed person you were during your pregnancy my baby okay?" I nod. She has been my GP ever since I moved here well dad took me to her because he 'trusts' her but I just think there's something between them.

Me: "Okay." Dad and my grandparents walk in carrying plastics.

Gogo: "Sthandwa sami."

Me: "Mama!"  she rushes to hug me as I cry after makhulu takes the baby from me.

Gogo: "Ohh you so strong baby." I smiled faintly.

Mkhulu: "He looks exactly like his father." I roll my eyes. Did he think I didn't see that?

Makhulu: "What's his name?"

Me: "Sqalokuhle."

Gogo: "That is nice. Your grandfather has a name too."

Me: "Really mkhulu?!" he smiles and comes closer to my bed.

Mkhulu: "uLwandlelethu. This boy will not only bring joy in our lives but he will also cleanse our hearts and souls njengolwandle impela."  I smile and throw my hands around Mkhulu, hugging him.


Later on my siblings barged into my ward carrying paperbags, balloons and Michelle was carrying a large teddy."

Michelle: "Hi mommy!" I smile accepting hugs from everyone besides Amahle who was already hogging my baby.

Amahle: "He is so beautiful." she whispered loudly and wiped her tears. I looked at Michelle questionably and she shrugged smiling sadly.

Michelle: "She miscarried her baby last year July." I gasped. I could imagine how unbearable the pain was, i already can't picture myself without this little human. I don't think I would have handled losing my baby, I don't think i would ever handle it.

Luyolo: "I brought you food little sis! These monkeys only got baby stuff."

Me: "Atleast now I know someone cares about me!"

Lloyiso: "Oh come on!"

Me: "Vele! Y'all are choosing that stranger over me." we all laugh.

Lwazi: "Mina nje, I would have brought you your usual, popcorn and ketchup." I frown.

Me: "I don't think I will ever eat popcorn in my life ever again!" I say frowning, they all laugh.

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