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[Chapter 39]


Today is my graduation day and my grandparents are here, I am so excited and a bit nervous. Aunt Thando won't be able to attend because she is taking care of Lwande so I gave her ticket to Ma'Fez. My grandparents were staying with me in my apartment.

Gogo: "Letho, who's this boy that keeps calling you at night?" I blush. They have only been here for like two days and already she's prying. I also know that she's asking because that loud mouth of mine, Sqalo told her something.

Me: "No one gogo."

Gogo: "You know you have grown now so I won't shout or anything. I am proud of the woman you have grown to be. You are a great mother to your son even though you didn't grow up with a mother but you doing a phenomenal job with him. Today you graduating, you're becoming the doctor you have always wanted to be. I'm so happy to be witnessing this day with you today. I want you to have fun and enjoy today okay, it's all about you and the hardwork you put in your schoolwork. Not many girls are able to continue with school after falling pregnant and having to raise their babies alone. You are a strong woman mntanam. I love you."   She smiles wiping my pouring tears then pulls me in for a tight hug.

Mkhulu: "Your grandmother has said everything,I am also proud of you Thotho. I love you so much." he kisses my head and pulls me to him. We pull out of the hug.

Mkhulu: "Let's go before we get late, traffic is very bad in the afternoon." We follow him out. Sqalo was with Michelle today.

"Lethokuhle Khumalo" I nervously walk to the stage. The woman handing me my degree is weirdly looking at me. I take it then proceed to take a picture then walk down the stage.

As we walk out we meet Lizwi standing with a huge smile on his face carrying a bouquet of roses. I blush walking to him, he hugs me tightly inhaling my neck.

Lizwi: "Congratulations baby." he kisses my lips then hands me the roses. I introduce him to my grandparents and father.

Gogo: "You are a very handsome man, you better treat my baby right if you still want to keep that handsomeness, uyangizwa?" I giggle.

Lizwi: "Ngiyezwa mah."

Mkhulu: "It's good to meet you mfana. I hope we don't step on each other's toes." he says with a cold smile shaking his hand.

Lizwi: "I promise to treat her like a queen."

Dad: "You better" I take pictures with everyone then dad and mkhulu move away from us as they speak to Lizwi. I'm now busy taking pictures with Fathima, Lloyiso and Sbu when Lizwi pulls me away from them. I hug him then peck his lips.

Lizwi: "I don't like how that boy is touching you." I laugh.

Me: "He's my friend."

Lizwi: "Whatever. Can I ask you a question baby?" I nod smiling.

Me: "Yes." He takes a step back, pulls his pants up a but then kneels infront of me opening a royal blue small box.

Me: "Aybo wenzani!?!" I asked covered in shock with my hand on my chest.

Lizwi: "I have been fighting myself for months and I have finally gathered enough courage to ask you."

Me: "Enough courage in front of these people Lizwilenkosi?"

Lizwi: "Surprisingly yes. Letho, let me speak please. I love you so much babe and I can't imagine a life without you in my life ever since we met. I know that I would love to grow old with you. I'll save the rest for my vows but please make a man amongst men and marry me."

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