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[Chapter 14]

Lethokuhle Khumalo.

A week later:

So Lloyiso's father called Lloyiso on Wednesday and asked to speak to me. He then asked that I come with him to my home on Friday. He told me that he had already spoken with my grandfather. Today is Friday and i'm packing an overnight bag, Lloyiso is already sitting in the tv room because he doesn't want to stay behind.

Lloyiso: "Pumpkin, let's go! Dad's downstairs." I had already texted aunt Thando that i'm not coming over this weekend. We got outside and his car was parked right by the gate. We both got in the backseat and greeted. There was a woman sitting on the passenger's seat.

Skhumbuzo: "Are you kids hungry?"

Lloyiso: "Yes we are."

Woman: "You always hungry wena!" i giggle because that's true.

Skhumbuzo: "Ohh baby girl, this is my sister Fezile."

Me: "It is nice to meet you."

Fezile: "Call me aunt baby." I smile and nod.

Gogo: "Thotho! What are you doing here?!" she asked surprised as she engulfed me in her arms.

Me: "I missed you so much mama."  I say emotionally as i feel tears blind my eyes, as everything that happened last week comes back.

Gogo: "Don't cry!" she wipes my tears and pecks my eyes.

Me: "I didn't come alone mama." she frowns with her hands still cupping my face.

Gogo: "Who did you come with?" she lets me go and goes to the door and peeks.

Mkhulu: "Who's car is that parked on my yard?" he asks as he enters the lounge. I run into his arms and hug him.

Mkhulu: "My baby girl."

Me: "I missed you too baba."  he kisses my forehead smiling.

Gogo: "Mntungwa. You have guests."

Mkhulu: "I hope it's not about things you doing in the city that you shouldn't be doing mntanam."

Me: "Mkhulu!" he chuckles and welcomes his guests. They shake hands greeting each other before Gogo offers them sits.

Mkhulu: "I almost thought this boy may have done something to my daughter but I see the resemblance between them." they all laugh besides me and gogo.

Gogo: "What brings you here?" she asks not smiling or welcoming at all.

Skhumbuzo: "My name is Skhumbuzo Mdlalose, this is my sister, Fezile and my son, Lloyiso."

Mkhulu: "Okay?"

Skhumbuzo: "I am the man that called you last weekend regarding your daughter."

Gogo: "I guess you will now lay out everything to us?"

Skhumbuzo: "Yebo mah. Uhm, I know Ayanda Khumalo on a rather personal level. We were once involved with each other well that was after my big break up. Ayanda was actually my friend, we were friends from the time she first came to Durban. That is where we met. I was in a very good relationship with my then girlfriend and along the way we broke up. During that time, Ayanda was there for me supporting me through and through..."

Gogo: "Sorry weSkhumbuzo. Yazi, you are talking but I am not getting your point and I don't understand where your friendship with Ayanda involves us, ay kabi baba." Lloyiso giggles looking down, I eye him.

Skhumbuzo: "I'm sorry. What i am trying to say is that Lethokuhle is my daughter." my grandmother starts laughing and it's definitely not the nice laughter.

Gogo: "Angizwanga?! You must be talking about another Lethokuhle and not my daughter!"

Skhumbuzo: "I'm sorry to have come like this but I really am confident that she is mine." This man is bold huh?!

Mkhulu: "And why is that?"

Skhumbuzo: "Besides the resemblance between us, Ayanda disappeared after leaving a pregnancy test on my bed."

Mkhulu: "Why now?"

Skhumbuzo: "I have bumped into Ayanda a couple of times before and I asked her about my child, she convinced me that she miscarried." Gogo scoffs.

Gogo: "Ayanda is really testing me!" she clicks her tongue and walks off. I follow her leaving mkhulu still talking with Skhumbuzo.

Me: "Mah?" she was sitting on their bedroom couch staring into space.

Gogo: "Come here baby." I go sit next to her and lay my head on her breasts.

Gogo: "How are you feeling about all of this?" i shrug.

Me: "I don't know really. i'm not even sure how am i supposed to feel mah."

Gogo: "You heard everything though, he has no fault in not being in your life baby. We also won't stop you from building a relationship with him, he is your father at the end of the day and one day you will need him and your family."

Mkhulu: "Yebo mnkami. Wena Thotho, allow your father to be a part of your life. Don't deny yourself that chance okay?" I nod.

Me: "Yebo mkhulu."

Gogo: "But you still our daughter." i smile.

Mkhulu: "Mnkami the boy wants to speak to you. Oh and he asked to pay damages tomorrow and lobola for his daughter."

Gogo: "Baby girl, you ready for that?" I nod. I'm actually excited about finally having a father. Gogo takes my hand and we go to the lounge. This time around, i sit next to Lloyiso who throws his arm around my neck and pulls me for a hug.

Gogo: "So what is wrong with you?" she asks walking into my room. The guests left after promising to come back tomorrow for the damages negotiations.

Me: "You will be mad at me mah." I say already crying.

Gogo: "How bad can it be?"

Me: "I did something so bad mama."

Gogo: "Don't tell me you pregnant Lethokuhle!" already her voice sounds so stern and angry.

Me: "I'm sorry mama." I sob. She sighs and just stares at me.

Gogo: "Awu thule ngoba you weren't sorry when you were busy making that baby!" I keep shut immediately.

Gogo: "Didn't I tell you to come to me when you start sleeping?!"

Me: "You did mah."

Gogo: "What happened then?! huh? Who is responsible?"

Me: "I got scared mama."

Gogo: "Where's the father?" she asks after heaving a sigh.

Me: "He is around. He wants me to abort."

Gogo: "Angizwanga?! That is just pure nonsense! Give me his name, address everything! I want him to say that nonsense again in front of me!"

Me: "I don't want to keep pestering mah. He already thinks I got pregnant on purpose because of his family status." she frowns.

Gogo: "Who is that?"

Me: "Mama please." I cry.

Gogo: "Thula! and tell me the bloody name marhn!!"

Me: "uLwande. Please don't go over there mama. Don't even tell your friend please." I cry. Her face is still covered in shock.

Me: "I am sorry I disappointed you. I know you were expecting alot from me and you only wanted the best for me. I'm sorry I messed that up."

Gogo: "The family has to know though Lethokuhle."

Me: "Mama please."

Gogo: "Fine, I will wait until you are ready." then she walks out.

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