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Zeldris had swung himself around a bit by using the rope and letting it go, landing on the wooden floor before walking towards the balcony, passing birds that flied off, he stood on the balcony where some gargoyles stood on the rails and he looked out over the city before he turned to a chubby gargoyle.

The gargoyle had wild spikey hair with horns on each side and a beard and a mustache on him, small wings behind his back, he had his mouth wide open and there was a birds nest resting on it that had a little baby bird in it.

It has been twenty years and he had grown into an adult, zeldris has raven spikey hair, his crimson red eyes where he had a scar over his right eye and other one on his lips, he does have a handsome face but even if he does, people still thought he looked like a monstrous demon but he wasn't cruel or anything like that, he is a sweet and kind man, he had grown to become.

Zeldris peeked over at the nest with a smile. "Good morning, little guy!" He greeted softly.

A bird's heard popped out of the nest, chirping happily in response with a smile on its face.

"Will today be the day? Are you ready to fly?" Zeldris asked him with curious and excitedly.

The bird chirped nervously, looking away with a fearful look on its face, not sure if the baby bird was ready to or not.

"Are you sure?" Zeldris frown softly."It's a good day to try." He told him with a gentle smile back on his lips.

He reached forward and scooped the bird into his hands carefully.

"Why, i-if I picked a day to fly, oh, this would be it. The Festival of Fools." He looked down below to see multiple tents set up for the festival that's gonna take place in front of the church.

The baby bird gazed down before gulping, glancing over at zeldris with a nervous look.

"It will be fun! With jugglers and-and-and music and dancing." He told the small bird as it started to flap its wings.

Zeldris gently tossed bird up, and he flapped his wings more and hovered above his hands then saw he managed to do it having the small bird to chirped happily at it's accomplishment, looking at zeldris having him to laugh softly, the baby bird land in his hands once again.

A group of birds flew past them, and the little bird started to chip happily of seeing his family flying off, and he looked between them and zeldris excitedly.

The young man chuckled at the baby bird. "Go on. No one wants to be cooped up here forever." He gently strokes its head.

The bird chirped happily before flying off his hands and goes after their family, zeldris watched it fly off with a mixture of happiness and sadness on his face.

Suddenly, the chubby gargoyle that had the nest in its mouth came to life and spit the nest out.

"Aw man! I thought he'd never leave! I'll be spitting out feathers for a week." The gargoyle named chandler complained, spitting out more feathers from his mouth.

The gargoyle that is on zeldris other side came to life, looking over at his friend "Well that's what you get for sleeping with your mouth open." A skinnier gargoyle named Cusack scolded, crossing his arms as zeldris looked at his gargoyle friend, Cusack had a long mustache and has bangs extending to cover his right eye and end in a long ponytail braided with wings behind his back.

Chandler rolled his eyes before laughing sarcastically. "Go scare a nun. Hey, zel, what's going on out there? A fight? A flogging?" He asked, wrapping an arm over his shoulder before looking down at the tents down below.

"A festival." Cusack said excitedly, scooting closer to the raven haired man, gazing down.

Chandler perked up. "You mean the Festival of Fools?" His little wings flapped gently.

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