The End

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Zeldris burst into the room with excitement on his features. "We've done it, Y/n! We've beaten them back! Come and see." He said to her with happiness as he turned to lead her, but when he didn't hear any sudden movements or sound

He looked over at Y/n, who kept laying on the bed, her eyes closed, having him to walk over to her.

"Y/n, wake up. You're safe now." Zeldris told her softly, smiling. "Y/n?" He called out to her gently, stroking her cheek before having his fingers through her (h/c) soft locks with a puzzled and worry expression on his face.

"Oh no." He muttered, feeling his heart beating in panic as he gazed at her with concern and anxiety in his red eyes. He went over to the barrel of water, grabbing a spoon.

The three gargoyles looked at each other with sadness and sympathy, looking down hopelessly, a frown on their lips.

Zeldris used it to scooped some water on it, walking over to her as he held her head up carefully and he poured the water over her mouth, but she didn't drink it having it dripped down closed mouth and to her hair

His red eyes widened in horror of realization. "Oh no." He dropped the spoon to the floor, holding her head and taking her hand in his other one, feeling tears starting to come.

Gelda closed the door to give zeldris alone time as they have downcast looks on them.

Zeldris held her wrist and he looked at the woman he cared, his face fallen as he wrapped his arm over her waist and other hand on her head behind and he held her to his chest, letting out a sob of sadness.

"No, you can't be gone. Don't leave me. Please." He pleaded, tears streaming down from his red eyes of not being able to save her in time. The woman who showed kindness and love to him that no one has ever had is gone in his arms

He lowered her back down, and zeldris kissed her forehead, then her cheek, his shoulders shuddering as his body quivered and continued to cry out in sorrow and grief.

"I never got to tell you that I loved you too." He muttered to her as he held her hand in his warm ones, his forehead against her knuckles.

Zeldris didn't notice abaddon quietly opening the door, walking inisde the room, not realizing that was a dagger behind him, abaddon made his way over to them and placed his hand on zeldris's back, gazing down at him with an cold expression on him.

"You killed her." Zeldris whispered fiercly, glaring at him as he kept holding her hand in his, looking down at her with despair.

"It was my duty, horrible as it was. I hope you will forgive me." Abaddon said, looking away with 'guilt' as he shook his head lightly, and zeldris kept crying quietly, closing his eyes for a moment.

"There, there, zeldris. I know it hurts. But now the time has come... to end your suffering... forever." Abaddon brought a dagger out from behind his back and raised it to stab zeldris, but he opened his red eyes and looked at the shadow to see his old master raising his hand.

He looked up and gasped, his eyes widened by seeing abaddon about to strike him. The old man brought the dagger down, but zeldris was able to grab his arm, who struggle to lower the dagger, giving him a cold and murderous look to the young man who had a stun look before angered filled his body and he throw him to the ground having him to crush against the tools that's against the wall.

"Now, now, listen to me, zeldris." Abaddon stuttered fearfully, trying to calm him down as he cowered away from the rageful man who approached him with the dagger, glaring him very harshly and fiercly.

"No, you listen! All my life, you have told me the world is a dark, cruel place. But now I see that the only thing dark and cruel about it is people like you!" He shouted, throwing the dagger to the floor, pointing at him with hatred on him, and then a cough was heard behind him, having him to turn.

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