The Burning & Rescuing Her

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The city of Paris gathered in front of Notre Dame to witness the execution of the young (h/c) haired woman, y/n was on a wooden platform, tied to a pole wearing a white dress as a guard had tossed a kindling at her feet, she had her wrists tied behind her.

The soldiers were hitting the drums with the sticks as y/n struggle in the robes but isn't able to.

Abaddon stood on the platform as well, along with an executioner, as he read out her crimes to the crowd, he held the rolling paper in his hand.

"The prisoner Y/n has been found guilty of the crime of witchcraft. The sentence... Death!" The old man announced to the citizens of Paris who were protesting of this wrongful execution to the young girl who did not do anything wrong.

The crowd shouted their disagreement at having an innocent woman burned alive for no reason, but the soldiers pushed the angry crowd back, not letting them pass through.

"Release her!"

"Let her go!"

"She's done nothing wrong!"

"She is innocent!"

Y/n looked at the kindling at her feet, her eyes widened as she had a fearful expression on her face, she looked over as she could feel her body filled with dread.

Bartra opened the door to the church, his eyes widened of what he is seeing and his face hardened as he tried to step forward, but the guards blocked him off, but putting their weapons in front of him as abaddon ordered them to not bartra intervened of the execution.

Meliodas and the rest of the gypsies were locked up in cages, and the former captain was trying to get himself free but isn't able to which brought tears in his eyes as he shook the cage, looking at y/n who looked over at him, the tears in his green eyes streamed down his face as he glared murderously at his old master with hatred and fury.

Ban had a horrified look on his face as he had worry for his friend even their friends, gowther, diane, king and escanor had worried and dreadful expression for their dear friend and having to watch the terrifying death of their friend that they cared for.

Hawk kept hammering the cage, trying to get free to save his owner as he bleat to y/n with worry and y/n looked at her pet goat with a small sad smile to him who had sorrow on his face.

The executioner handed abaddon a torch who took it in his hand and he faced Y/n who glance over at the old man with a hardened gaze.

"The time has come, gypsy. You stand upon the brink of the abyss. Yet even now it is not too late." Abaddon leaned close to her with a wicked grin and she pressed herself against the pole, not wanting to be near him as she tried to keep a far distance away from him, she had a face of repellent to him.

"I can save you from the flames of this world and the next. Choose me... or the Fire." He said to her with a serious look on his face.

Y/n narrowed her eyes, furrowing her eyebrows and she spit to his face in retaliation causing Abaddon to wiped his face and glared at her, and she glared right back that is filled with rage and coldness.

The old man scoffed 'so be it." He then turn to the crowd, holding up the torch "The gypsy, Y/n, has refused to recant. This evil witch has put the soul of every citizen in Paris in awful jeopardy..."

Up in the tower of Notre Dame, zeldris was chained to the pillars looking down hopelessly, as the three gargoyles tried to pry his chains off that is around the pillars, making sure he never gets in the way.

"Come on zel, snap out of it!" Chandler exclaimed urgently, pulling the chain as much as he can even biting it to break it but it didn't work.

"You're friends are down there!" Cusack told him with worry, he kept pulling the chains as he looked over at the bell ringer who had a guilty and despair on him.

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