God Help The Outcasts

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Abaddon exited the church and closed the door behind him. Y/n's eyes widened at his words. She looked around before spotting another door, having her rush towards it and opening it to see more soldiers outside.

"Abaddon's orders; post a guard at every door." A soldier told the guards who nodded and went to stand guard in every exit of the church.

Y/n closed the door in frustration and slid down to the floor with her knees up to her chest, she had annoyance on her expression of seeing that she won't be able to leave this church without getting caught and arressted, Her goat hawk came up and sat next to her, snuggling his head against her hand making her turn to hawk.

"Don't worry, hawk. If abaddon thinks he can keep us here, he's wrong." The woman stated to her pet goat who gazed at her while bartra was lighting up the candles.

"Don't act rashly, my child." Bartra advised her, glancing over his shoulder to the woman and the goat who looked at him."You created quite a stir at the festival. It would be unwise to arouse abaddon's anger further." He said to her, not wanting her to make judge abaddon more frustrated than he already is.

The woman frowns, and she points her finger at the entrance of the church. "You saw what he did out there, letting the crowd torture that poor man." She stood up and paced in rage, her heart still aching of what happened to zeldris at the festival and what the crowd had done to him.

"I thought if just one person could stand up to him, then-" she let out a sigh, looking away with a disappointment frown. "What do they have against people who are different, anyway?" She asked him, gazing at bartra with sorrow and dismay of people treating other people who didn't look or act the same harshly and cruel.

"You can't right all the wrongs in this world by yourself." He replied to her, placing a hand on her back as he guided her down the long hallway.

"Well, no one out there is going to help, that's for sure." She scoffed, pointing at the people that are outside of the church as she walked beside him.

Well, perhaps there's someone in here who can." Bartra told her, smiling at her kindly before walking away as the (h/c) haired woman watched him leave. She let out a sigh.

But she started thinking of the raven haired man. She leaned against the pillar stone, and she smiled warmly of how joyful that the young raven haired man was in the festival before the disaster.

She felt so guilty for bringing into the stage, she thought that it was her fault that it happen to him as she wished that she had stopped it but there's nothing she could do and just hope that he might forgive her for bringing him onto that stage.

She looked around and noticed all the people praying, sitting on the pew, their hands pressed together as they prayed, her smile faded. Her (e/c) eyes lifted up to a statue that is holding a child in their arms, and she sighed sadly.

But she didn't know that a certain blonde man had managed to entered inside the church without anyone noticing him or saw him, he spotted y/n which had him smile but he halted of seeing her expression which had him hidden from her view.

"I don't know if you can hear me, or if your even there. I don't know if you would listen to a gypsy's prayer."

She slowly approached the statue, holding her hands together in front of her as she gazed up at the statue that had white lily flowers in front of it that's in a vase.

"Yes, I know I'm just an outcast, I shouldn't speak to you. Still, I see your face and wonder, we're you once an outcast, too?"

Zeldris was in the bell tower, sitting on the wooded rafters, his back against the pole as he was still hurted and sad of what happened to him. He had already changed into new clothes.

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