The Festival Of Fools

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Zeldris was wearing a cloak to hide his face as he gazed down at the large crowd before climbing down the side of the church using a stone statue and the stone pole to get himself down to the a lower level, and looked down at the crowd of people as he had a smile of joy.

"Come one, come all! Leave your looms and milking stools, coop the hens and pen the mules."

He looked up and saw chandler, gelda, and cusack waving them off with proud smiles on their face as Zeldris smiled excitedly and waved back then looked over at the crowd.

"Come one, come all! Close the churches and the schools. It's the day for breaking rules."

Zeldris slid down the banner and landed against a pole, looking at the scene then he turn around and grabbed other rope of the banner but Unfortunately, the rope holding the banner untied because of it not tight enough on the pole and he got himself swung into the crowd.

"Woah!" He exclaimed in surprised before letting go of the rope and landed in front of the crowd.

"Come and join the Feast of..."


Ban slid under the dark cloak person and stood in front of the crowd and zeldris, letting out a laugh as Colorful confetti sprayed everywhere, even many flags being shown having everything turned colorful.

The raven haired man tried to duck back into the crowd, but ban grabbed zeldris arm and started swinging around with him.

"One a year, we throw a party here in town."

The tall man let go of zeldris being holding into the pole, swinging around it before letting go, and landed on the small pod, having it splash from his feet.

"Once a year, we turn all Paris upside down!"

A person with a king mask came walking in the crowd where everyone bowed down teasingly, then they turned into a clown costume by flipping over.

"Every man's a King and every King's a clown. Once again, it's Topsy-Turvy Day."

Zeldris watched but he saw ban glance over having him to run off to try and hide, but ban spotted him and look at the direction that the young man ran off and had a smirk on his lips.

The young man hold bunch of balloons and hid behind them, which are devil shaped balloons, holding the strings of it.

"It's a day the Devil in us gets released."

Ban grinned and grabbed the scissors in his pocket before using it to snip the strings on the balloon, and they floated away, having it to show zeldris that oncr again run off and tried to hide somewhere else.

Zeldris looked around and saw a curtain, thinking it was empty, and he went inside to hide behind the curtain.

"It's the day we mock the prig and shock the priest."

The curtain opened in front of him, having it to be turns out that he was hiding in a puppet booth where kids were in front of it, smiling and giggling.

"Everything is Topsy-Turvy at the Feast of Fools."

Ban was also in the puppet booth and pulled out a puppet abaddon that whacked zeldris on the head, causing the children to laugh, ban showed himself, and smirked continued to sing.


Zeldris ran out of the booth, but he halted as he saw humans being walked by dogs by the leash.

"Everything is Upsy-Daisy."


He turned around and raised an eyebrow of seeing a man riding a fake horse with two backsides, holding two signs of arrows while laughing.

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