Within Stone Walls

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The soldiers were still on the lookout for y/n. An old woman with a cane and a pipe wearing a cloak hobbled through the crowd but turned around when he saw soldiers approaching in the direction they were gonna walk through.

The person walked past meliodas, hawk peeked underneath the hood before turning, and meliodas looked at them suspiciously as they entered Notre Dame. He hummed as he held his chin, rubbing it as he grinned lightly.

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The old person turned out to be y/n and her goat hawk in disguise, she removed the cloak and looked up in awe at the massive cathedral, she has always been wanting to come here for a long time but didn't get the chance to, her eyes were filled with amusement and impressed.

She walked further inside the church, looking around then all of a sudden, she halted as she could feel meliodas creeping up behind her, she could hear his footsteps as The Captain was about to tap on her shoulder, but she narrows her eyes and quickly turn, grabbing the collar of his cloak and his sword from his sheath at the same time.

She threw the blonde man to the floor, who was a bit surprised as she glared at him, pointing the tip of the sword towards him.

She scoffed of seeing it is him "you!"

"Easy, easy." Meliodas said, backing away as she kept the sword pointing at him, holding the handle of it."I-I-I just shaved this morning." He stutterly told her.

"Oh, really?" She smirked."You missed a spot." Y/n mocked, narrowing her eyes as she kept taking steps towards him whenever he backs away and is against one of the stone pillars.

"Alright, alright. Just calm down. Just give me a chance to apologize." Meliodas pleaded, raising his hands in a surrender motion.

"For what?" She questioned, letting out a fierce snarled, keeping her sharp gaze at him, meliodas smirked and grabbed the sword from her, tripping y/n, causing her to fall onto the ground.

"That, for example." He told her with a cheeky grin, holding the sword in his hand as he stood up from the ground.

"You sneaky son of a-"

"Ah, Ah, Ah." The blonde man interrupted her sentence before she could finish it."Watch it. You're in a church." Meliodas reminded her of where she is in, looking around before turning his full attention at the beautiful woman in front of her.

"Are you always this charming, or am I just lucky?" She asked sarcastically, standing up from the floor, grabbing a nearby candelabra with a mocked smile on her lips.

Y/n swung the candelabra, causing meliodas to block the attack with his sword. "woah!" He then laughs as y/n continued to swung the candelabra at him multiple times only for him to block it.

He smirked at her. "Candlelight, privacy, music. Can't think of a better place for hand to hand combat."

Y/n swung again, and meliodas almost stumbled, but he managed to block the attack once again. "You fight almost as well as a man." He complimented.

"Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you." She replied smugly, grinning before pushing him back with the candelabra.

"That's hitting a little below the belt, don't you think?" Meliodas asked, his man pride a little hurt as he backed away a bit, smiling cockily at her as he gazed into her (e/c) eyes with his emerald ones.

"No, this is." She tried to hit him between the legs, but he blocked her just in time before she could.

Meliodas managed to grab the candelabra and this had her use the opportunity to swing the bottom of the candelabra and have it hit against his face having him groans in pain, he shook out his dizziness before giving a toothy smile at her.

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