A Guy Like You

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"Attention!" A soldier told the guards who straightened up as abaddon's carriage approached them, halting in front of them as the door is heard open

The blonde man looked up at the old man, giving a salute to him. "Good morning, sir." Meliodas greeted him

But Abaddon only groaned in response, rubbing his eyes as he tried to ease his redden tired eyes.

"Are you feeling alright?" He asked him, just by how he looked and his eyes being bloodshot red.

"I had a little... trouble with the fireplace." He explained to him, looking exhausted like he didn't get enough sleep last night.

"I see. Your orders, sir?" The captain questioned, not asking any further information as he gazed up at him.

Abaddon's face became stern. "Find the gypsy girl." He ordered with narrowed eyes as meliodas tried to not look worried for the (h/c) haired woman of hearing that they would continue looking for her.


Soldiers kicked in the door of the bakers house who looked over with a stun look on his face of seeing the guards and started ransacking it by dropping down the shelve then the soldier move the barrel, removing the carpet, finding a hidden compartment having them to open it and there under the floor are held gypsies who were surprised and scared of being found.

"Ten pieces of silver for the gypsy y/n." Abaddon bribed them, holding up ten silvers in his hands, eyeing them but they either looked down or away as none of them caved in which angered the old man as he clenched his fist that held the silver coins "Lock them up!" The old man ordered, a growl let out from him.

The gypsies that were chain gets taken away by the soldiers.


The soldiers tore apart a gypsy caravan that were outside the gate of paris and the two guards pushed it into the water, flooding all the gypsies out who managed to escape from being drown as they gasped out of breath.

"Twenty pieces of silver for the gypsy y/n." He held twenty coins to then as he gaze at them with fury but again, none of them caved as they will not reveal where y/n is even if she isn't a gypsy, she's still part of them so they will never give her out to abaddon and his soldiers "Take them away!"

Meliodas shook his head at abaddon, completely disagreeing with his methods ever since he had met y/n and had that talk with her, he could finally see what abaddon truly is and could see that gypsies aren't wicked and thieves like abaddon had claimed them to be, he had s frown of disappointment of his master actions.


The soldiers surrounded a home that belonged to a man named drefyus as the crowd watched the scene disapprovingly. Amongst the crowd, a familiar old man could be seen walking through as they look at the scene.

"Poor drefyus. He's never harmed anyone!"

"Abaddon's gone mad." The crowed murmured as y/n peeked over the hood with her pet goat chin resting on her head as they watched.

"We found this gypsy talisman on your property. Have you been harboring gypsies?" Abaddon interrogated, looking at the brown haired man who is on his knees as his wife is behind him, holding their chin and their son beside him who has raven hair and dark green eyes.

"Our home is always open to the weary traveler. Have mercy, my lord." Drefyus begged, clenching his black cloth as he looked at him with pleading look as his wife had a fearful expression on her, hugging her children close to her.

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