Heaven's Light & HellFire

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Zeldris began climbing back up the tower. He reached the top and the male grabbed the railing to pull himself up, gazing down with a lovestruck smile on his face, thinking of the (h/c) haired woman but he gasped when someone grabbed his arm and pulled him towards them, only to see it was meliodas who had a happy grin on his face

"Hello there. I'm looking for the gypsy girl. Have you seen her? And you're that bell ringer, aren't you?" He asked him.

But zeldris let out a low growl, pulling his arm away from his grip, having meliodas to release him, and backed away as zeldris leaped at him with a furious expression on his face.

"Whoa, whoa, easy!" The blonde man tried to ease the young man down, but it didn't work as he kept backing him towards the staircase

He then grabbed the torch that was near the door entrance and swinged the flame at him

"No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!" He yelled, glaring at the blonde man who continues stepping away, making sure he doesn't trip himself down the stairs.

"Wait! All I want is to-" meliodas tried to explain, but zeldris just cut him off as he continued, forcing him back down.

Zeldris growled irritatedly of him not leaving. "Go!" He shouted, having it to echo in the staircase. "I mean her no harm!" He said, trying to show he is no threat and isn't like those soldiers.

The raven haired man swing the torch again at him having meliodas to grab his sword from his sheath and used it to slammed against the wood of the torch causing it to pinned to the wall, and zeldris grabbed him by the front of his cape, giving him a hard gaze to him who frown.

Meliodas understand why zeldris is acting like this after all, those soldiers were responsible for having the crowd join in the cruel act at the festival.

The bell ringer breathes heavily as he narrows his eyes.

"Tell her for me, I didn't mean to trap her here, but it was the only way I could save her life." Those words surprised zeldris and he ease down his hard glare a bit of hearing this, his eyes widened a little of meliodas was trying to save y/n from abaddon and the soldiers "will you tell her that? Will you?" He asked, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.

"If you go. Now." Zeldris demanded with a serious look on his face."I'll go. Now will you..." he looked down to see his feet off the ground."Put me down, please?" He politely asked with a smile and pulled his sword away.

Zeldris lowered him on the stairs, releasing him as he was confused as he sees that meliodas isn't like the guards but he realized that he look exactly like him expect for the hair color and style and eye color, but still it was like he is looking at himself in a mirror, the blonde man went down the stairs, but he paused and turned back to zeldris.

"Oh, and one more thing. Tell y/n, she's very lucky." He told him, seems he will have to talk to zeldris next time since he could see that he doesn't trust him, so he will have to wait.

"Why?" Zeldris question with a raised eyebrow, looking down at him."To have a friend like you."

Meliodas put his sword in his sheath and turned, leaving down the stairs as he headed out to the entrance of the church.

Zeldris wondered who he was because he didn't think there will be someone like him expect he is more better though since he didn't have any scars or red eyes, he couldn't help but feel like he is somehow related to him, he was puzzled of why he is getting this feeling but he shook his head and went back up.

He walked down as gelda, chandler, and cusack approached him, sliding down the railing to meet up with him, and they cheered for him

Chandler laughs happily as he had a proud grin on his face. "Haha! There he is!"

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