Mike Peabody - The Time War

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"Hello, I'm Sam, and welcome to the News at When. When? The year 200,100 in the midst of the long battle between the Daleks of Skaro and the Timelords of Gallifrey. Here to tell you more is our war correspondent, Mike Peabody. Mike."

"Thank you Sam. I'm here on Gallifrey, on what is said to be the closing stages of the Time war. As you can see, the conflict is only worsening with time."

Mike gestures behind him, showing the carnage that is the city. People are running and screaming everywhere and Gallifreyan soldiers are battling to keep the hoards of Daleks at bay. Just as Mike turns back around, a Dalek explodes violently, and he has to duck to avoid the metal shrapnel that is blasted everywhere. Luckily, none of it hits him, but it does knock the microphone from his hand, and he stoops to pick it up, but picks up the broken Dalek eye stalk instead. He looks at it for a second, then shrugs and continues, using the eye stalk as a mic instead.

"But I've just heard. Yes, I'm just getting word now that in this area is a man called The Doctor. Who or what he is I do not yet know, but for the locals, this is big news." 

The camera cuts away to Mike standing in another location of the battle, next to a small, dirty and blood-smeared civilian, who looks positively bursting with excitement to be on TV, and is nervously flitting their eyes between Mike, the Camera, and the Dalek Eye Stalk substituting as a microphone.

"Hello, I'm Mike Peabody from HHTV News, can you tell us what the news of the Doctor means to you?"

"Well 'igh command don' like 'im 'cause he stole one o' there swanky flyin' 'hings you see. But us down 'ere think 'es great. 'es gonna save us all!" 

Off screen another Dalek is exploded, presumably by a Gallifreyan gun, and a big chunk of metal hits the interviewee in the chest. They fall to the floor - it is unclear if they have fainted or passed away.

"Well, not all of us, clearly." Mike deadpans, looking straight at the camera. He stays there for a few seconds, before realising he probably should check on them.

His brief and unprofessional medical exam is interrupted with shouts of "No More!!! NO MORE!!!! Look up there on the wall!" and lots of screaming and shouting as the sea of people collectively rush to see what is going on. 

"There seems to be a development!" Mike jumps to his feet and begins to run after the crowd, but he trips on a broken shell of what once must have been a Dalek. He leaps up and continues to run - this is too exciting to let the journalist from Gallifrey Guardian get there first.

"And look, there it is. Up there." Mike points to the wall, and the Camera pans up to see the 'NO MORE' that the War Doctor roughly shot into the wall during The Day Of The Doctor

"Isa sign! The Doctor is 'ere!" Voices shout from behind, they are excited and happy, they are saved. Mike starts to look hopeful, but then....

"Stop right there! We see this message, was it you who did this?" 

A Dalek is standing in front of him, and it wiggles its plunger in what is obviously supposed to be a point. 

"No, no it...it wasn't me, it wasn't." Stutters Mike.

"But you have the eye of one of us!!!!"

Mike glances down at the Eye Stalk in his hand, suddenly realising what it is he is carrying. He gulps.

"You are an enemy of the Dalek race. You will be EXTERMINATED!!! YOU WILL BE EXTTTERMINATED!!!!"

"No! No. This is all a misunderstanding" 

The Dalek advances, and Mike runs backwards, brandishing his microphone/ eye stalk at the Dalek. Then he turns around and starts to sprint faster, still clutching the eye stalk - waving it in front of him.

"This is Mike Peabody, reporting live from Gallifrey, really wishing he was somewhere - or somewhen - else!"

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