Historical Hospital - Adam

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It's the return of Adam!!!! The Adam from Doctor Who Series 1, not the Adam from Torchwood Series 2. 

Here's a quick photo of him from The Long Game where he gets this kind of door implanted into his head that opens when someone claps.

 9 and Rose then leave him back at his house, and that was the end of his story. Until now...

The hospital was bright and modern, but the ward was relatively empty - there was only an  old woman in the corner pretending to knit, while actually staring curiously at the commotion in the middle bed. A young man sat up in his bed, looking slightly sheepish as well as a little scared. Around him were three nurses, but one of them moved, giving the old lady a clear view of his head. She fainted. 

"We have no idea what that is." Said the nurse, matter of factly, gesturing to the small metallic door implanted in Adam's head. "We've got one of our most, well....experienced.....Doctors on shift today, so he can take a look at you."

"Is he another one of those creepy historical ones?" Asked Adam desperately, and it was the nurse's turn to look sheepish. "Oh not another one." Continued Adam, groaning. "How are they supposed to know what this is, when all of their cures are..."

"Vinegar!" Interrupted the Doctor who had just entered the room, whipping a small brown bottle from his robes with a flourish. He wore long dark robes, and had a deeply horrifying mask with a long stooped nose that fully covered his face. 

"Vinegar?" Sighed Adam, wearily. 

"Yes, you simply drink a table spoon, and wait...!" Said the Doctor, pulling a spoon from his robes. Adam wretched, and the man shrugged. "Fine, you no like, try this." He pulled an ominously sharp looking spike from his robes (which were apparently bigger on the inside) and brandished it at Adam.  "Blood letting!" 

Adam cowered further down in his blankets. "Ermmm....no thanks. I'm ok.." He muttered. 

"You said no to vinegar." Objected the Doctor, moving towards him, still holding the spike. 

"Ermmm...no thanks. Nurse! Nurse, could you stop this man!" Adam raised his voice, beginning to quiver in fear. The man sighed, and cast aside his robes and mask to reveal a leather jacket and a face covered in a grin. Adam immediately stopped squealing, because stood in front of him was the very man who had got him in this situation in the first place (aside from himself, of course). It was not a Doctor, it was the Doctor. The definite article, you might say. 

"Come on, you big idiot." Said the Ninth Doctor, his normal accent restored, as he held out a hand and pulled Adam out of the bed. "I didn't want to do this, you know." He explained as he half dragged Adam through the shiny corridors and back to the TARDIS. "But Rose made me come. I did volunteer for the plague Doctor bit though!" He grinned, obviously having enjoyed terrifying the living daylights out of his former (partial) companion. 

"W..what are you going to do with me?" Stuttered Adam, not sure if this was better or worse than being force feed vinegar by a madman from the 1300's.

"Well, we're going to remove that thing for starters." The Doctor and Adam rounded a corner, and saw the TARDIS parked in the corridor. "In!" Said the Doctor, shoving him unceremoniously through the doors. "Hurry up, we haven't got all day." 

He slammed the door behind them, and in a few seconds the ship had dematerialised, leaving only a stunned doctor, and his huge pile of notes scattered across the floor. 

Hello 🙂 if you're still reading, I apologise for how insane this is. 

Thanks for reading, until the next random piece of  nonsense I write when I'm bored : ) 

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