Chapter 10 Movie Mania

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We found a scary movie to watch that we all agreed on. Honestly, I really didn't want to watch a scary movie. I've never been able to sit through one all the way without crying from pure terror but y/n Chan likes them. Let's just hope that she finds them really scary so maybe she'll come to me for comfort. I'm going to try to do my best to not be scared.

"Hey, Tanjiro, can you get us some blankets?" I asked him, "they're in the closet in the hall."

"Sure!" Tanjiro gets up out of his chair.

"Hey me some more popcorn while you're at it!" Inosuke screamed

"We're not getting you more popcorn, Inosuke." I said, "you always eat it before anyone else can have some."

Tanjiro comes back with some blankets.

"Okay! I got them."

"Uhh.... Tanjiro." I spoke up, "I don't know if you forgot how to count or something but you only got 3 blankets. Y/n is here too."

"Oh! I just figured," he held up a large blanket, "I didn't want it to be overrun with blankets and this one's pretty big so I Thought maybe someone can share."

"Not me!" Inosuke grabs a blanket and wraps himself in it.

I know exactly what Tanjiro's doing..... he thinks he's so slick. I'm gonna have a heart attack.

I look over at y/n. My face was all red. She glances at me.

"I'm okay with sharing but I'll go without one if I have to." Y/n said.

"Zenitsu, are you okay with that?" Tanjiro asked.

"Sure." I said. My voice cracked.

Tanjiro hands me the blanket and I wrap both of us in it. Tanjiro sits down and presses play.

Y/n didn't seem scared but I heard her heartbeat rising by the second.

"You okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I'm usually pretty skittish about horror films but I really like them too."

I look over to see Tanjiro staring at us.

"Are you okay? You're shaking." She asked me. I realized that I was shaking. I was terrified and the movie barely started.

"It's fine if you're scared, you know. I don't mind. I watch scary movies with my little brothers all the time so I'm used to people grabbing onto me during movies. If you're too scared we can always turn it off."

"I'm in high school. I'm not scared of a movie." I said


the lightning flashed on the tv. I heard her gasp a little. As long as I focus on y/n, the movie's not that scary. The killer then enters the movie and starts killing people. How does anyone watch this? A jump scare comes out of nowhere and I scream an embarrassingly high pitched scream. Y/n, out of reflex, puts her arm over my chest like a mom would to a child if they were going to get into a crash, in a protective way.

"It's okay....." y/n murmurs. I couldn't tell if it was for me or herself.

She quickly pulls her arm away.


"Ha! I can't believe you guys are scared of a silly little movie." Inosuke screams from the other side of the couch. "You guys are all scared like a baby bunny rabbit, holding each other's hands for comfort!"

"Inosuke! Be nice!" Tanjiro screamed at him.

Then the killer in the movie started cutting up this corpse slowly. It was disgusting. Y/n hid her face a little under the covers, leaving only her eyes peeking out as she leaned against me. I'm feeling so much emotion right now. I don't know what to do with myself.

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