Chapter 18 Art

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I sadly didn't see Zenitsu that entire weekend. I mean, it's kind of hard to hang out with him sometimes because my dad is a little overprotective when it comes to boys. Especially after the whole........ Train incident..........

That day, Zenitsu was pretty upset because Mr. Uzui said that he said that he needed to see him in his class during lunch to discuss something. He wanted to have lunch with me and Tanjiro and Inosuke but that wasn't happening apparently.

I'll (Zenitsu's POV)

"Agatsuma." Mr. Uzui said after he dragged me into his class during my lunch break, "do you remember that assignment I was assigned last week?"

I immediately got pissed at the thought of that assignment. The assignment was to draw portraits of each other. I wanted to draw y/n but I was scared to draw her so Tanjiro ended up drawing her. I drew Tanjiro, Tanjiro drew y/n, y/n drew Inosuke and Inosuke drew me. No one had a bit of talent when it came to drawing except y/n.

"Well," Uzui continued,"this is what you submitted. Just tell ''em who exactly you just drew....."

He pulled out what I submitted.

"I drew my best friend, Tanjiro kun!"

"If I were Tanjiro, I would end our friendship."

"What!? How could you say that!? Did you just call me in here to insult my drawing skills!?"


"Well then why just me!? Have you seen Tanjiro and Inosuke's pictures!? How is their artwork accepted and mine isn't!?"

Tanjiro's picture of Y/n

Y/n's picture of Inosuke

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Y/n's picture of Inosuke.

"SHUT UP!" Uzui screams, "anyway, I want you to resubmit your artwork

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"SHUT UP!" Uzui screams, "anyway, I want you to resubmit your artwork."

"You're only making me do this because I'm disrespectful to you in class!" I scream

"If you're aware of it then fix it!" Uzui screams back, "anyway, the problem isn't that you suck. It's that the pictures are going to be put on the wall in the hallway and we don't want people complaining about it being scary."

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