Chapter 5

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TW: Recent death, trauma


POV: Noriaki

[name] has never been one for the extremes.

Although I had met them much later than a few of the others, they were usually calm.

Unnervingly so.

They were steadfast.


But too mature.

Just like me.

They reminded me of myself often.


But right now.

It's as if they were haunted.

They were literally haunted, but they were haunted in a different way.

Jonathan, Erina, Speedwagon, Will A., and Caesar had already been with them before Avdol had me meet them.

They were the ones who were there for most formative years.

But they never said much about those formative years.

I never asked because it was never my business.

But after today.

After what happened.

After seeing them so. . .

. . . horrified. . .

. . . I was going to make it my business.

It was late.

They had gone to sleep after a lot of tossing and turning.

But they were finally asleep.

After staying back a few moments I slowly closed their door, leaving it slightly ajar.

I went downstairs.

In the living room I could hear Caesar talking to the others about what happened today.

Everyone looked worried.

But there were a few people with different reactions.

Jonathan looked tired.

Erina looked on the verge of tears.

Speedwagon looked forlorn.

Will, Caesar's grandfather, had a sort of grieving look in his eyes.

And Caesar looked down right murderous as he explained.

The five of them knew something.

After a while of talking the others dispersed.

Everyone worried about [name] and how they would be for the next few days.

Everyone mostly dispersed.

Except those five.

They all quietly went to the backyard.

I followed.

Making sure to stay hidden and quiet.

Then Jonathan began to talk.

"I'm disappointed that Jotaro went that far. They told him to stop but he still continued. This is going to set [name] back."

The others agreed.

Erina continued.

"They'd been doing so well after all this time, I hope they don't isolate themselves like they did back then."

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