Chapter 8

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TW: Gun Mention, Blood, Mentions of Killing, Methods of Killing, Watching Someone in Their Own Home, Cursing


POV: You

It had been a while since you had gone out star gazing.

You hadn't really taken a break for yourself.

Having to train with Avdol and Iggy's Stand, school, sending letters to Rohan (even if he technically lived in Morioh as well, you just didn't want him to tease you about going over to his house), almost getting killed.

Things were chaotic.

You just wanted some time for yourself.

Luckily it was a friday. No school the next day. No need to sleep early.

Keicho had actually taken to checking up on you every other day, maybe seeing you on the floor with a bunch of holes in your body shook him as well.

So you invited him to stargaze with you and the others.

The others being both Zeppeli, the Joestar couple, the rest of the Crusaders, Dio, Speedwagon, and now him.

It was nice to see him at least get a bit along with everyone.

Even if he had a lot of animosity towards Dio, they still could have interesting discussions if they wanted to.

They all talked while waiting for you to gather your things. Luckily you always made sure to have your telescope packed in its proper bag, and an extra bag with a blanket to lay on.

Putting on some sneakers you exit through the backdoor of your house and walk out to the forest behind your house.

It was nice to have a forest behind you because at least you didn't have to walk far to find a secluded area for yourself.

Things were mostly quiet until you heard Keicho speak up.

"Oh my god, why are your eyes glowing?"

You could only burst out laughing at how taken aback he sounded.

"Sorry for laughing, it's just a side effect of my Stand."


"Yup, my Stand is always activated so my eyes always have a slight glow to them, but people can only see it when it's dark so I'm always a bit careful to at least be inside so no one points it out."

He hummed, seeming satisfied with the answer.

Soon enough you all reached the familiar small clearing in the forest. It was only you who knew about it, you didn't even tell Josuke about it.

You put your bags down and began to unpack everything.

The telescope was the one present from your parents that you appreciated.

It was the only present where they actually tried for you.

Well, the only present where your father actually tried.

You set it up carefully, making sure to run a hand over the engraved name on it, it was a good luck thing for you.

Like how people have a lucky number or a rabbit's foot, that engraving of your grandmother's name was a good luck sign for you.

Long ago she had moved from Italy to America.

It was there where she met your grandfather who was a Japanese immigrant. They got married, she moved to Japan with him, and there they started a family by having your father. Who then married your mother and then they had you.

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