Chapter 02

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My whole day went sitting all alone  in the room. No one care to come and check upon me , if I'm ok or not. Now ive started feeling dizzy ,because of not having anything since last two days. Yesterday whatever happened with me. It didn't allow me to consume even a water and now it's been almost 35 hours of not having anything.   After waiting for several hours when someone didn't turn up . I decided to go itself and get something to eat. Killing   Myself for someone would be lamest accuse will be.  So better if I go outside itself and get Something to eat. After couraging myself ,I got up and went out trying my best to stay awake as because of hunger my head is spinning badly.   I slowly open the door and come  down the stairs hoping to find family out there. But there's no one having silence everywhere . I thank  god for that and immediately started searching for kitchen. 

Madam do you need anything ???  Suddenly I gasp when a maid spoke behind me... I turned and found her standing bending her head down ,which I hate to the core. We all human are  equal. And it's against my rule  seeing another person bending infront of me like I'm some god or something.

Look at me face  first. Maid immediately raises her head and look at me amusedly. 

Better"  anyways can you get me something to eat. I'm starving.  

M. Yes madam. What would you like to have???   I frown at her  question. I mean I  don't think so it's necessary to ask it. As obviously whatever will be in fridge she can get me  that right . 

Get me anything.  I don't mind right now.

No specific likes dislike?? Maid farrow her brows making him amused. 

Err no there's nothing. Can you please get it  quick. Otherwise I'll pass out right here. Maid immediately nods her head and left from there towards the kitchen. I sighs and set on a recliner near the pillar. I look around and then lean my head  on it tossing my finger on my temple. 

God this pain. I moans  slowly massaging it with my fingers.

Mam your food. Same maid came holding the plate and forward to me. As food aroma hit my nostrils, i instantly took it in my hand thanking her and started devouring on it like I'm hungry since ages. But to be honest" I'm hungry like hell. I can eat everything if anyone would give me. From last night I'm surviving on the tap water. Obviously it was disgusting. But I didn't have any other choice  except drinking it. As i  won't had ,then till now I would had been buried in grave, instead sitting eating this delicious meal.  Thinking all this " I about to take my third bite of food when suddenly someone slap on the plate and  throw it on the floor breaking it many pieces , which caused a piece got stuck in my feet making me cry in pain

Where's my son ??? I don't think so we got you in this house to just chill out like that.  I lift up my gaze and found  a lady standing infront of me all ducked up in  heavy dress with heavy makeup. She is totally giving me vibe of tv  vamp. But I just  gulp and and stood up stumbling on my feet.

First your sister left humiliating us like that and still we decided to get you in this house. And instead  fulfilling your responsibilities towards us and my son ,you  spent whole time in your room and now eating the food carelessly.  She chipped in her shrill voice making me confused with her statement. As per as I know , I've been forced into this marriage. I agreed her son is include in it. But he is still doing whatever he feels like. On the first day of marriage, he went to his so called girlfriend without giving shit to my existence at all. And instead being guilty or sympathised towards me ,this woman is yelling me like this whicn I predict is his mother.

One second aunty... why are you blaming me for everything. I didn't ask my sister to ran away from the marriage. She itself did. And the way your son being forced into this marriage I've been as well. But you are here blaming me everything. And which responsibilities you are talking about ha. It's not even first morning of my marriage and you started expecting so much from me. Moreover , if you care about your son so much then where the hell is he ha. I don't think so he came back from since last night after telling me about his girlfriend. I didn't give damn to anything and just spilled out whatever came in my mouth. If that guy don't give shit about me ,then why would I do. His mother also should know that what kind of son she got. She just can't come and yell at me without any reason.

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