Chapter 16

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After doing my shift I came back home and directly went towards my room. I thought arnav would be in his office. But I got confused when I found him in the room looking worried and tensed. 

Arnav what's wrong.  I went towards him and kept hand on his shoulder nudging him little...

Mom has taken ridhima  in hospital.   Doctors are saying it's time for the baby to come in this world.   I have to go. You just take care of yourself. Soon I'll be back. He says carsssing my face.

No don't go alone. I'll come with you. I don't want you to take tension alone.  Let me come with you.  I suggested holding his hand.

Are you sure. I don't want you to tire yourself snd baby. He says caressing my belly.

I'm fine don't wasn't that much work. So I'm fine. Let me come with you. He sighs  and nods his head. 

Ok let's go. He gripped my hand and took me with him. 

In hospital

As we reached he's been engulfed in hug by his mother who started crying as hee fsce connected with his chest.

Thank god you came arnav. I thought you are not coming.  She was calling your name continuously.    She says keeping hand on his face.

I'm here mom. You tell  how's she ??? What doctors are saying.   His mother wipe her tears and look at me  with  stern face instead answering his question.

Why she is here ???  She says glaring me with her big rounded eyes.

She is my wife. And I guess she has right to come where ever I'll go. There shouldn't not be any problem to anyone. My husband answer making me reason to love him more..

What will you answer ridhima' if she asked you about her. She  yells holding his arm.

Nothing mom. Why would I answer ridhima for anything. I don't think so we have any relationship with her which will forced me to answer her.   My husband instantly answered his mother who grit her teeth and about to answer when doctor came out.  Without thinking anything she just run towards him and look at him with hope. 

How's she ??? Is ridhima fine. What about  the baby ??

Congratulations  mrs raizada She has baby girl.  You have blessed with a grand daughter.  Hearing him she squeal in happiness and hugged arnav who smiles as well getting good news.  I'm happy as well. It's not that I'm not.  It's just the way his mother is behaving "I'm not liking at all. Surely something is cooking inside her mind which is not good for me and arnav.  

Did you see arnav you  have  became father of a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations to you so much. Saying this she hugged him making my husband shocked with her statement. 

Mom she is not my daughter . She is my niece.  Get some senses. He stated holding her arms in his hands.

Arnav she is your daughter and you are her father. You can't just deny it because of some particular  person. She hissed looking at me with pure hate. I rolls my eyes and turn my face away  instead looking at her.

Mom I think time have  came to check the reality.   I can take responsibility of ridhima and her daughter. I can provide them everything. But I can't be   The father of her daughter. She is my brother's daughter. Not mine. Mine will be from  khushi. Not from anyone else . As these words slipped from his mouth"  her eyes turned red while her Jew  clenched in furry. She first look at arnav and then me with pure hate and in no time she held my elbow and pushed me away resulting me to stumble back but thankfully arnav held me on meantimes.

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