Chapter 14

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Warning ⚠️ 18+

Kids stay away plz ☠️...

I cup my face and step back looking at him being shocked. I didn't mean to slap him. In anger I don't know "how I just got too aggressive and raised my hand on him. But it's not my fully fault either. He is the one "who is making things complicated between us. Which made me so angry that I slapped him. Suddenly I flinch when he raise his head and look at me witn blood shot eyes. I can clearly "see how angry he is and ready to bounce at me. But to my surprise "he just walked out from the room silently fisting his hands tight. I take a long sigh and set on the dressing table stool holding my head. God since when I've became so aggressive. I huffs and rub my forehead to ease the tension but right now nothing is working on me.


Arnav pov !

I reached in the library and hit the wall so angrily that mh  knuckles started bleeding. But it didn't pain me the way her slap did. It hurted me deep down that she don't trust me at all. After coming so far in our relationship" still I couldn't able to build up that  trust "which a usual couple keep for each other. Day by day things are getting complicated between us. I agreed I'm on mistake.  I'm doing nothing to fix things In my life. But she should at least give me time to sort out the matter. But no she is highly bent to make me helpless in everything. Already mom and ridhima are heading on my nerves.   As much as im trying to stay away from that ridhima " she's been clinging on me more and more. I don't know what to do and how to handle the situation. But if I wanna keep khushi with me then I've to take step forward before things get out of control.  Thinking about this I flick my hair and decided something whicn k guess khushi won't like. But for saving our relationship we have to do it. 


Khushi pov !"

After sometime

I'm standing in my room when he barged inside yet again. I look at his face and found ny hand print on his cheek" which made me guilty for hitting him so hard.  I shouldn't had do it. But what can I do "when he made me so angry and I couldn't think anything else expect slapping him. If he would had told me everything earlier . Then I guess this situation we wont had facing right now.

Get ready  we are leaving for home.  Saying this he about to leave but I blocked his way spreading my arms.

What do you mean home ??? Where are we  going ??? I frown while looking at him.

Home means raizada  mansion.  It's enough of us living her. Better we got back home. Just pack your bags. We are going in few minutes. Saying this he try to pass by me. But I held his elbow and faced him again having stern face.

I'm not going in that house. No one likes me there.  I feel so uncomfortable. I stated  in my thick voice. 

I don't care. You are coming and that's final. Just get your things. I'm waiting for you outside.  Hearing him I grit my teeth and step back folding my arms. 

I'm not coming. That's mean I'm not.  I'm staying here. This is my house.  And I would like to stay in here instead with your so called rude family. As these words slipped out from my mouth he  held my waist and yanked me towards him making him gasp. 

Don't force me to be  beast again  khushi. Just do what I'm saying. We are leaving for house and that's  final. There's no argument  about it.  And it's not request. It's an order. Did you understand.  Now get your things we are leaving. He pushed me and left from there having  stern face. I groan and hit the  stool in anger.    I hate my life. I fuckin hate arnav Singh raizada.  I screams and started throwing everything whichever coming into my hands.

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