Chapter 11

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Hearing his loud voice ' I set up and kept hand on his shoulder making him Little calm. He rub his forehead to erase the tension from his head and speak passing me little smile .

What do you want. ??? He says without moving from beside me.

Where are you. Aarav. I thought today we gonna do dinner together. But mrs reena is saying " you went out of country somewhere. Please come back home. I wanna see you.  Ridhima  cry on the phone making me shakes my head. Seems like everything is same the way it was. He had promised me that he will spend time with me. But the way this woman is talking on the phone. I guess whole  trip she gonna disturb us. I exhale the breath tiredly  and got up to leave but he held my wrist and pulled me besides him holding my waist.

I can't come. I'm not two mills away that in seconds I'll land near you. I'm out of country that also for business issue. . So for god sake " take rest and don't disturb me. If you need anything then ask Mrs reena. I can't just do your little little stuff. Did you understand ... he speaks trying his best to control his anger which is clearly visible into his eyes. But he is handling it very hard.

Why are you talking like this Aarav. Please don't be so rude. You know that I can't handle your anger towards me. I can hear her sobs on the phone making me little feel bad. I'm feeling like a second woman"  who came between these two people " who deserved to be with  each other.  Might if I won't had been here. Then maybe "they would had been together and won't had been separate like this.  

Ridhimalisten " I can't come back. Just be  good and cooperate with mrs reena. Stop calling me again and Again. Saying this he cut the call and rub his forehead  which seems like  has started banging while talking to her. 

Arnav are you alright ??? I said softly takin his palm in my hand. 

Arnav look at me and  take me in hug resting his  chin on my shoulder. 

Yeh I'm fine.  I'm truly fine.  He mumbles in my ear and kiss my head. 

Arnav I think she needs you. You should go to her. It's not nice to be rude with someone " whom you are in love with. Hearing me he broke the hug and  look at me  with rage. 

I don't love her.   How many times I've told  you  khushi.  I don't fuckin love her.  Stop assuming things on your own.  Yesterday only we talked about it. And I've explained to you. But seems like you haven't not understand.  

But arnav I .... I try to initiate"  but he  just shakes his head and stood up keeping hand on  his hip.

As much as I'll explain to you. I guess you won't trust me. So better if I don't it.  Whenever I try to be with you. You always try to push me towards that woman ' with whom I don't have relationship. He says shaking his head in disbelief having  disappointment in his eyes. 

It's nothing like that. It's just  she was crying and I can't see someone crying like that I just.  I about to say more. But he set infront of me and kept
Finger on my lips shutting my mouth.

You shouldn't be that sensitive khushi.    If you will behave like this. Then anyone can take advantage of you. And about Ridhima. Then  it's my responsibility to handle her. You don't need to feel anything towards her.  Did you understand.  He smiles kissing my forehead making me little calm. 

Ok fine.    I pout and join my forehead with him closing my eyes. 

After sometimes

I'm  watching tv laying on the bed  keeping my face on her  palm. when i felt  a hand slide around my waist. I closed my eyes and dropped the  remote on the floor   which i was having in my hand.

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