Chapter 09

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Khushi pov ! !

Seeing him standing Infront of me first it feared me. But then I shrugged off my   Fear" when I realised why the hell in scared of him. I don't think so "I've done any bad thing "which could trigger him. He married  me ',that's doesn't mean he can control me. The way he has freedom to do whatever he feels like. I've as well. And he can't stop me for that.   Thinking about it I made stern face and look at him Blankly without uttering a word.  Rayaansh who was sitting besides me " he couldn't  control himself and nudge me keeping hand on my arm "which I guess arnav Singh  raizada didn't like at all. I can see from his face how jealous he is.

Who's he ??? He whispered like a child making me chuckle. God him and his childish acts.

Yes khushi tell him. Who am I. Arnav came forward standing so near me that even our shoulders are touching.  I glare him for pursuing me infront of rayaansh like this. But then smirk played on my lips  having something mischief in my mind. Which I very well know " he won't like it at all.

Ohh he .... He is just work under my  baba.  I guess he sent him to pick me up.  Isn't arnav. I says in teasing tone raising my brows up making him shock hell out of him. Literally his jew drop on the floor after hearing me.

Oh I thought .... Never mind.  Hey bro it's rayaansh here.   Rayaansh says forwarding Hand towards him which he least bother to shake it a nd gazing at me continuously with quizzical eyes. 

Mr arnav he is  expecting hand shake from you.  I nudge him eyeing toward Rayaansh. 

Yh ok miss  khushi. He stressed my name and hand shaked with him  holding his hand so tight that his face turned red because of it.

Man you are strong. He pat his hand chuckling and forcefully took his hand away from him. 

If your introduction have finished then shall we leave miss   Khushi. Your baba must be waiting for you.  He says resting his hand on my back" whicn didn't went unnoticed by rayaansh. He open his mouth to say something. But before he do arnav gripped my wrist and  stormed away from there being all grumpy like a angry bull. 

In parking lot he left my hand and started walking around rubbing his forehead. I can see  then he didn't like at all  "seeing me with someone else. It trigger him deep down. But I also don't give shit about it. When he does then it's fine. But if I  talk to someone then he has problem.  It shouldn't be like this ... this thing should be equal between us.  I rolled my eyes and lean on the car folding my arms. But soon I jumped on my place when he swiftly move towards me and hit his hand on the car moving so  closer to me that I can feel his breath fanning on my face.

When I'd told you to stay at home then why did you leave like this ha. You bloody needed rest. But still you chose to come on your stupid work instead staying at home. I'd left you for few hours and you  decided to escape how dare you??? He  growl in his thick voice still standing so near me which making me feel so anxious but still I gathered my  strength and pushed him away making him stumble back

I'm real human being. I'm not some puppet whom you can lure where ever you want. I've my life as well. And I guess I can  take decision of it. You can't stop me to do  that. And what did you say few hours. I don't think so 15 hours are few hours.  It's almost more than half day. You call  me your wife want me to give you chance. But  whenever I try " you ran back to your girlfriend.   In non second" she becomes more important to you more than anyone else. One moment you promise me and next second you forget everything and leaves me alone like I don't exist in your world at all. So how can you expect me to listen to you. Moreover this relationship has no future and we both know as well. And I really don't wanna compromise my priority on that thing which gonna give me nothing but loneliness. Hearing me he move towards me and hold my chin in his hand and look straight into my eyes.

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