Chapter 08

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Mom I can't do this. It's too much now.  She wants me witn her all the time.  And I can't do this. Please stop all this and let me tell her that I'm not Aarav.  I spoke in frustration with my mom on the phone ?who seems like not in the mood of listening anything and stuck on her decision

No arnav we can't take the chance. She is in early stage of the pregnancy. And if something happen to my grandchild then. ( she exhale ) Look "As we will feel 'she has reached in secure month, we will disclose it. Please don't snatch my son's last sign. I can't bear it.  She  sobs on the phone making me grown in helplessness.  I'm not able to understand , why my mother is not seeing my happiness.  Just because' she wanna keep her grandchild alive ,she is forcing me to be with that lady . 

Mom  I'm married and she needs me. I can't just give my wife's happiness to someone else. 

That's why I told you to not get marry. But no , you and your father  was worried about your business. And because of that  , despite their one daughter ran away , you married another one.  I'd so many plans for you. I'd thought  that I'll make you marry with Ridhima . But no my all plan have got spoiled and .....

Wait mom whattttt ??? What are you blabbering. How can you thought that I will marry her. I agreed to take care of her , just because of your happiness. But that's doesn't mean I would marry a woman, who was wife of my brother.   How pathetic.  I can't believe you can think like that.  I've been doing  everything for you thinking about your happiness. But I never knew that you are ready to ruin my life for your another son , who is already dead. 

You are not understanding arnav I didn't want to ruin your life I just.  But I intruded again making her stop in between.

You are mom. you areee . I can't believe this.  But you know  what , if you are  selfish then I'm your son as well. Now i don't give damn about it.   Do whatever you want.  From now on I'm not part of this mess.  Saying this I cut the call and set on the holding my head. I can't believe my own mother can think like that. Here for her happiness , i was doing every shit. But instead being thankful , she was planning to make me marry with that girl "so that she could keep her grand child with her. How could she.  How can she do this. But it's enough. Now I won't let her play with my life anymore. Now I'll do whatever I want !!and no one can stop me for this.  I determined and got up to check upon my wife , who hasn't been up since she slept. l thought  ,she will  have few hours sleep.  But seems like it went long.  I rub my forehead and went upstairs to check upon her. I open the  door snd found her  still sleeping back facing me.  Seeing her resting 'i smiles and went towards her with slow steps. I took seat near her and   Pushes her hair back to get the full view of her face.   Seeing her lips formed in cute pout  , made my heart flatter.  She is looking super cute while having it. I slowly bend down and place kiss near her lips. But maybe it was my wrong move and she open her eyes looking at me with twitching eyes.   Seeing her awake I , baffled and immediately stood up before she finds out i was sitting near her.  

You here she mumbles  and set up rubbing her eyes like a cute child yawning.

Err I just came to check upon you.  Are you fine right ???  I said keeping my feeling aside gazing at her softly.  She  Pulled her bottom lip out and nods her head still being lazy.

Great,, err I was thinking we should do dinner together. What's say.  I said hoping she don't show tantrums and say yes. And to my shock, she  nods her head and got agreed. 

Ok fine. I'll come.  Hearing her a smile broke on my face I nod excitedly " which she definitely finds o ddgaze at me witn shocking expressions.

Ok you freshen up. I'll be waiting for you outside.  She simply shakes her head and  take her legs out form blanket to get  up ""but before she do ,I carry her and took her towards washroom.

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