Chapter 19

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Let's get divorce arnav!! As these words left from my mouth" he clutch my arm in his hands and yanked me towards him making me shudder in fear.  His eyes are dripping countless anger while his  skin turned pale the way it always does. When he gets angry.

What did you say ??? He hissed tightening his grip on me. 

I.... I said let's get divorce. It's not working. I think  our marriage was biggest mistake. We shouldn't had done it. If we won't had" then Today you would had been happy with ridhima. and I would had been in peace somewhere.  But now everything is messed up. Since we got  married " no one is happy. Not me " not you. Not your family. So I've decided let's get divorce and you let me go. I don't wanna stay In this marriage. I sobs looking at him with teary eyes not able to control my emotions. I thought " he will shout at me and will  ask me " why the hell I'm blubbering all this. But instead he loosen his grip from my arm  and  freed me making me shock.   

Fine as you say. Go and pack your bag. I'll drop you to your parents house.  Hearing him I  got shell shocked.  Words just got lost into my mouth and I  stood there without uttering anything.

Why are you standing like this now. Go and pack your bags. I'll drop you to your parents house.  I Flicker my eyelashes and bite my bottom lip controlling my sobs.   I don't want to fall weak infront him . I've to be strong for my child. I can't  just over power my desires and put my  baby's life in danger. So without thinking anything " I padded  towards  dressing room snd started packing my  bag  "churning my heart for losing everything infront of my fate.. 

After sometime

I come out and found him still standing on the same place lost in his own thoughts. I walk towards him and stood infront of him meeting my eyes with him.

I'm ready.  I mumbles gaining nod from him. 

Let's go.  Saying this he walked away from the room following by me from behind. On the way I look towards My mother in law's room and found her standing in the door having smirk on her face. Her face is literally dripping Victory.  At last she won " what she wanted all the time. I'm going and now soon she will settle arnav with the ridhima and her baby girl.  I wipe my  defeated  tears. And  left the house. 

In car

I look at arnav and found him driving silently. In whole way " we didn't share a single word.  If I tried to initiated then. he finished the talk without answering.  I'm feeling terrible for breaking his heart.  He done so mucn for me. And what I'm doing. I'm leaving him. But I don't have any other choice either.   I've to leave him. Otherwise that cruel lady will take my baby away. Which I can't afford at all. So without thinking anything I'm on the way of my parents house.  After few minutes soon  car came to halt on the door of my parents house and he stopped there without looking at me.  

You may leave. He said sternly breaking my heart into pieces seeing him behaving so strangely. I didn't expect him to behave like that. I thought " he will scream at me and will ask me the reason of my behaviour. But all he's done to nod his head and brought me to my parents house. And now leaving me all alone here on the road.

Arnav I I .... I try to hold his hand which is resting on gearbox. But he didn't let me and pulled it back.

I said you may leave. He again said in stern tone breaking my heart. I sobs and got down from
The car looking down. As I slipped out of the car he drove away from there in fast speed leaving me all alone on the road. At least he could had dropped me inside. But no he chose to leave his pregnant wife on the road and left from there. I sobs and slowly walking towards main gate to go in.

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