Chapter 06

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Seeing my husband standing infront of me yelling like ,I'm the one who left him alone made me mad.  It should be me ,who should be angry on this guy. But instead ,he chose to shout at me  behaving like it's all my mistake and I making him feel left our.  I grit my teeth seeing his Audacity and pushed him away glaring him.  

Oh really you were searching me ha.  You ... who left me alone ,saying you gonna come back in few minutes. But no you took an  hour to come back after spending time with your so called girlfriend.  Here I was waiting for you thinking ,might you would have been stuck somewhere. But I didn't know that you decided to stay with your girlfriend long forgetting about my existence. And here instead being  guilty about your behaviour , you are yelling at me.  I said shaking my head in disbelief. If you wanted to do  all this  here. Then why did you get me on first place.  At home only you would had told me that you  gonna leave me alone between bunch of strangers. Atleast I would had stayed at home instead coming here feeling all awkward and uncomfortable. 

I didn't say you to come. You itself  wanted to do. That's why , when my brother asked you ',without hesitation , you got agreed to come here. I really don't remember when I forced you to come along with me. He blamed me back behaving  like it's all my fault to come here.  Hearing his all these allegations I got quite and took a tired sigh closing my eyes.   No matter what happen , this guy  will always end up blaming me. It's not some new thing. He can never accept his  mistake. So argue with him is baseless.    

Baby you here come let's eat the cake. His girlfriend comes towards him and held his arm looking at him with smile. But soon it faded when  her gaze landed on me. 

Doctor you here ,,, not surprised , I guess this girl didn't see me properly in reception that's why she  didn't say me anything .when they came in the hospital and now as well she is  recognising me as a doctor.

Yh  she is here ,, actually she is rudra's friend sister. He immediately covered up the matter before i utter something.  Seeing him lying clearly didn't make me surprise. I knew that he would come go with something to not let this lady know about me being his wife. Well I'm not his wife technically. He never considered me. Then what's the need of expecting so much from him.

Ok nice to see you here doctor.  Anyways baby let's go.  Cake has been distributed. She held his arm and dragged him with her leaving me all alone having no one besides. Helpless tears fell from my eyes making my condition vulnerable. Seeing my life getting tarnished making me feel like  , my parents have  revenged  on me for putting me in this situation.  If they would had little care towards me. Then they would never had made marry with this guy. But they did just because they wanted to save their reputation. And now I'm stuck without having way of out. I sniffles wiping my tears and left from there not feeling to be  there anymore. 

I came outside and set on the bench looking towards grumbling sky.  Little little rain is pouring  on my face making my condition more  weak and I set there crying for almost an hour.. 

After sometime

When I felt rain gonna be heavy, I unwillingly got up and went inside deciding to bid bye to rudra and then leave for home. But to my shock , as I entered there' I found none inside except some workers ,who are picking up the things and clearing everything. I gulp and look at watch finding it's already 12 am and that's mean party time has been finished and  people  have  gone except me ;'who left Behind all alone ...  my husband with whom I supposed to , go he is nowhere to be seen as well. I guess he left with his Girlfriend as well without thinking about me ,how I'm gonna go home.   

Mam you here ??? Is there any problem. A worker came and bring me back on earth  with his voice. I blink my eyes and look at him with frightened gaze.

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