Chapter 20

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I was sleeping peacefully when I felt a hand on my cheek caressing my skin lovingly.  I smile having my eyes closed and  I toss towards the person snuggling with him.  I know my husband's touch. So there's no any doubt that someone else is laying besides me. 

Hey good morning. He says  softly running his fingers into my hair. I smile and lazily and  open my eyes   Finding my husband is laying besides me resting his  temple on his elbow.

Did you sleep well. He asked kissing my forehead. I nods my head and kept my head on his chest snuggling with him.   He hugged me tightly and peck my head three four times together.  

Arnav I called him turning his face towards me.

Yes. He whispered tucking my hair back of my ear.

Everything will be fine right. We won't go in that house anymore. Isn't ??, I asked feeling so tensed thinking about his mother and ridhima.

Don't worry ... everything will be fine. Till I'm with you no one even can touch your even hair. So don't take tension snd trust on me. I nods my head and again kept my head on his chest  tracing my fingers on his neck. 

Arnav. Yet again I called him earning hmm from him. 

Im hungry.  I pout looking at him like a child.

Oh baby you are hungry. Why didn't you tell me earlier.he chuckle placing kiss on my nose.

Baby is hungry now.  I wants to eat pancakes with  vanilla custard and blueberries with it. I demanded  pulling my bottom lip out melting him with my cute face. 

As my highness says.   Let's take bath first snd then I'll make you breakfast ok.  He smiles pecking my lips.

Ok  as I have approve he picks me up in his arms and took me to the bathroom for  shower together. As he always says we shouldn't waste  water bathing individually. So I guess I'm following his lead.

After sometime

Arnav took bath along with me and then left the room not before specifically ordering me to dry my hair. As he doesn't want me to get sick. So i obliged and dry my hair and put my comfy clothes on.  When I was in raizada mansion. Everyday I'd to wear little heavy clothes and makeup. Which was irking me so badly. But now thankfully we are back to our own home. So I can wear whatever I want. I fix my strap of my dress and left the room.  As I came near kitchen I closed my eyes inhaling a delicious smell of pancakes.  Seems like they are  ready.  I hurriedly padded  inside the kitchen and smile seeing  my husband  busy cooking for me  wearing black apron which looks so hot  on him. I  hurriedly walk towards him and back hugged him resting my chin on his back. 

Heyyy. I greeted kissing his back.arnav smile and turns taking me in half hug resting his hands on my waist.

Is my breakfast ready. I demanding wrapping my arms around his neck.  He slowly yank towards me and give me long suck on my lips  while nodding.

Yes baby it is ready. He take the plate and showed me making my eyes twinkle seeing my delicious mouth leaking pancakes. They are exactly how I pictured. My eyes  beams and immediately take in my hands  settling on near by stool .

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