Chapter 03

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After standing on place for almost half an hour when my so called husband didn't come back , I just decided to check upon him. I also wanna see , what caught him so long ,which didn't let him to come back yet. I huffs and decided to go that way, which he had chosen before half an hour. I padded towards the room and about to barge in ,but stopped ,when I saw him hugging that same lady ,whom he had took with him while ago.

Baby I can't see you with someone else. Please do something. It's hurting in my heart after imagining you to be with another lady. On top of that now ,I'm pregnant as well. And soon I'm gonna start visible. And I can't answer people questions like that ..please be hurry up and do something for us. Lady sobs hugging him tightly ,while he is stroking her hair lovingly. After hearing whatever she said , I'd got to know she is none other than is his girlfriend. And indeed she is pregnant with his child. Somehere I'm feeling bad for them for not getting along with each other. Might if this wedding won't had happen then they would had been together happy with their unborn child. But the thing is , why didn't he just say it before the marriage. Why didn't he make her his wife and let his parents force him to be with me. If he was so in love with this woman, then who couldn't he h taken stand. It's not that he is some poor or something. He has enough money to live whole life luxuriously . Then why the hell he let his parents forced him. But maybe the way I'd got helpless , he became as well ,which made him to marry me unwantedly. These thoughts only played with my brain deja vu and I set on the sofa nearby holding my head.

Khushi , hearing my father voice , I looked up and found him standing infront of me having small smile. As his face came into my sight , I stood up and took him in hug feeling content.

Baba I whispered and let my tears roll down from
My eyes , which I was holding back so hard.

I missed you baba. I missed you so much. I mumbles and kiss his cheek squeezing him in hug.

I missed you too princess. I missed you too. And I'm
Sorry for everything. But I didn't have any choice. Your sister left me empty hands. I shakes her head in no and cup his face looking at him with teary eyes.

No baba, you have done so many things for me. If I'm successful today, then reason is you. And if for you I've got married to mr raizada. Then it's not big deal. I smiles in tears and kiss his forehead.

He is nice to you right??You are comfortable in this house or not. He instantly ask squeezing my hand in his palm. I wipe my tears keeping all the reality aside and nods my head having small smile.

Yes baba. Everything is fine. All are nice to me. As I entered in this house , instantly they made me part of this family. You just don't worry and get relax. I hate lies. But Today I'm doing for my own father. I know that ,how tension is bad for his health. So keeping all the reality aside ,I pretended to be happy despite dying from inside. Last night and morning tape is still revolving in my brain. but still I chose to be fake happy infront my dad. and take him in hug inhaling his fragrance , which made me feel like I'm in safe place. My dad who was sad till now , he wrapped his arms around me and sigh in relief ,which is what I wanted. After couple of minutes , we both are still hugging when I heard his voice , which feels like fire to my ears. I really didn't want his presence between us. But unfortunately he lands there from no where.

Seems like you guys miss so much ha. I broke a part and found him standing having his hands in pant pockets with usual smug smile. I rolls my eyes and parted away from my father standing in good distance from that moron. But that loser had another ppman and he slid his arm around my waist. God him and his fake antics. Before few minutes , he was standing inside hugging another lady. and now He is behaving like , he is in love with me totally on first sight.

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