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Before starting I wanna tell you guys that it's my first ever ff so pls don't mind the mistakes .
Thanks! (Seorin is y/n okay )

As I was standing here on the rooftop sitting on the ledge so comfortable. What's better than sitting under the night sky full of stars ,cold wind blowing ,listening to K-POP and all alone. I like tonight.
Well let me rephrase that
I liked tonight.
Someone just came shoving the door open. Can't I live in peace just for few minutes. Seriously, why this only happens to me. I hope for that someone to be a woman. But it's a man. Great. He looks angry but handsome. He saw some chairs and tables he started kicking one of them and finally broke it. He thinks he's alone but it's not my fault if he doesn't know he has a company. He finally look relaxed. That poor chair. He turned and saw me. He doesn't look surprised or embarrassed he look normal as he just didn't murdered that chair.

He looked at me and said "Hey, what's your name?"
"Seorin , Kim Seorin" I hate my voice , I hate my voice, I hate my voice. I just hate my voice , I sound so weak right now.
"Seorin , can you please come down?"
His voice goes till my toes , its so smooth and addicting.
"I am too comfortable here"
"Hey please come down"
It sounds like a order now . So I did what he said.
"You know few days ago a man died he fell from that ledge cuz of his love for photography he wanted take some pictures of rain but he slipped and fell, I wonder if his camera survived or not cuz that photo costed his life."
I laughed I don't know if should have laughed or not. He said while we sat on the chairs which are still alive I was looking at the sky while his eyes were glued on me
"Seorin, right?" He asked.
"Yea, what's yours?"
"Jeon Jungkook"
His name perfectly fits his face.Not gonna lie he's cute. He doesn't look older than me must be 17 cuz I am 16 year old.
"It fits you" I commented.
He slightly smiled and said "Thanks" .
Damn that smile I feel butterflies in my stomach. I wanna hear that voice so I throw a question at him.
"Why did you murder that chair?"
"Nothing just anger issues" He sighed.
"I never saw you here before, does your boyfriend lives here or something"he asked. That line makes me feel cheap.
"I don't live here I ..... I .... I had a fight with my whole family who was against me I was like super angry and sad , so I searched on Google earth about the nearest rooftop with a garden and I got here I don't know what will they do when I'll return home cuz according to them I should ask for permission about everything. If they say everything it means everything " I don't know why but I have the urge to tell him the truth so I did.
"Wow that's something weird"
"Yea but that's normal"
"Do you love them"
"I don't know as a part of that family I love them but as a human I hate them"
"I like it"
"Like what ?"
"Your honesty, naked truths aren't always pretty" he said while looking up at the sky.
I like that thing or word( whatever ) naked truths I repeated more like a whisper.
"Wanna do this naked truths thing"
"Yea , you go first"
"I saw a kid die today , he was not more that 7 or 8 was happily running on the road his parents didn't even care then suddenly a bus came a snare the life out of him . His body got as thin as a paper blood everywhere nor even the bus driver cared . I was standing was too far but I could see the whole thing it just left me numb it's all his parents fault I want them to suffer for their child's death.."
I don't have any words. Seriously he saw all this the only words that escaped my mouth were "Oh god, that....child".
There's an awkward pause between us but thank god he broke it.
"Now your turn" he said
"I don't think so I can even get close"
"Oh come on , give it a try"
"I, since I was 7, I am a victim of mental and physical abuse".
His eyes became wide.  " Wha-................I want more of that story"
So I continue
"It was not other than my mom  abused me both mentally and physically and my family abused me mentally, when I tell someone that I am the oldest child of my family and have 2 younger siblings and one younger cousin who is the son of my uncle , I live in a joint family btw back to the point they used to think I am the most respected and important child and whenever they used to say things I had an urge to tell them the truth but I thought that it will make me same as them and this thought that I hate them makes me hate myself . I have an older cousin brother but still I am the one who gets the scoldings and beatings. If I cry they say I am overreacting and I also thought that it's just hormones problem but now I realized that it wasn't I was truly in pain and I still am .My best friend left the school after one year of our friendship cuz her dad got transferred to another city she's very far but still in Korean and when I talk to her on phone every scold me and once my mum even beat me with a badminton due to this .Only my bestie knows about this but now you too know about this" I said all of it while smiling.
"I'm .. sorry" he said.
"Why are you being sorry ? It should be them anyways your turn" I said
"Tell me about the most recent one,"I said while looking at him with a smile which was more like a smirk.
"My life is not good for a relationship right now I am currently a Hybe trainee and I don't know if I will be successful or not but I swear if I will ,I will you mine" he said all that look up at the sky his hand under his head.
"It's not even been half an hour since we me met" I said utterly shocked
"So what?" He said that as if he didn't said he loves me indirectly.
"Your crazy"
He laughed at my comment.
"I should go now, it was nice meeting you Jeon Jungkook"I said and stood up.
"I hope we meet again"
I didn't say anything and left.


It was a weird chapter ik. But I hope you will like it.
Thanks for reading.

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