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I was sleeping peacefully but then I heard some beeping sound. It was my alarm I opened my eyes and saw Seoring sleeping peacefully while holding my hand. I still remember that she confessed to me last night. But what if she doesn't mean it? I looked at the wall clock and saw it was 4 am. I should also wake Seorin or she will kill me for not waking her up.

"Hey  Seorin wake up It's 7 o clock" I lied.

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier?!" she said as she woke up instantly, furious. 

 " Chill it's just a joke it's 4 am," I said while smiling 

"Thank god!" she said, placing her hand on her chest. "I would have killed you if it was 7 am," she said while chuckling. She got off the bed and was going to her she placed her hand on the doorknob. I held her hand and said, " Seoring did you mean what you said last night?"

"Ummm..... who knows?" she said while smiling.

"Don't play Seorin, I am serious" I said looking directly into her eyes. She freed her hand from my grip and said "Yeah I guess" with a teasing smile and went to her room as she said that. I smiled and went to do my morning routine.


I got out of his room blushing." Wait does this mean that We Me and Jungkook are in a relationship now!" I said to myself. "Seorin really" I heard Jisoo unnie saying. Oh no she heard me! "Oh no unnie you might have misheard," I said to her who was now looking directly into my eyes. "Don't lie Seorin I know you like him" she said. "Okay okay, we just confessed to each other," I said with a poker face. "I am so happy for you I know you both like each other," she said with a big smile.  "Don't make it too obvious unnie" I said lightly, hitting her arm.  


It's been two weeks since Me and Jungkook confessed. We are finally in a relationship now. But we still didn't go anywhere together and all the blame goes to our schedules. Sometimes I think about how would our lives be if we were like others just studying normal dreams doctors, engineers, and lawyers. So easy right, we can easily spend time with each other. Probably even have our first kiss. Yes, we have been in a relationship for two weeks and haven't even kissed yet.  Right now I am at work in that elegant restaurant. Here I work as a waitress and sometimes I do the cleaning stuff too. Right now I am sweeping the floors, not many people come around this time except for some families and couples. Seeing them makes me feel a little sad but I still motivate myself.

"Hey Seorin" exclaimed Wonyoung my new friend, snapping me out of my tragic thoughts. She is a nice company and the daughter of the owner of this restaurant. She is also a trainee but in a different company. She is really good at studies we are very similar almost the same. The only things that are different between us are our looks and how supportive our family is, his dad is super supportive and mine is just......... no words. And one more thing is that she isn't in a relationship. I usually tell her about everything on a call or in person, she is just perfect probably the best friend I ever had after my unnie(Jisoo) and Lisa, Rose, and Jennie. She sometimes works here just because she wants to experience how it feels to work and to help her dad too.

" Hi" I replied dryly. 

"You seem off today, what happened?" she asked worryingly.

"Oh, nothing just tired and overthinking." I groaned.

"Give me this, go home I'll talk to Dad," she said as she snatched the mop from my hands.

"Noo Wonyoungie, I'm perfectly fine" I whined as I took the mop from her hand.

With a concerned expression on her face, she let out a deep groan while placing her hand gently on my shoulder. She then looked directly into my eyes, searching for a sign of trust. "You are not yourself today," she said softly. "Do you trust me or not?" Her tone was serious, yet comforting. "Something is bothering you, and I want to help. Please tell me what's on your mind." Her words were genuine, and I could sense the sincerity in her voice. It was clear that she cared deeply about me and wanted to offer her support in any way she could.

"I feel like I'm trapped in a life that's not my own. It's like I'm wandering in the dark, and I don't know where to go," I said, my voice heavy with emotion. "I see happy families all around me, and it just makes me feel so alone. I can't help but wonder what I've done wrong. Why can't I have what they have? Why can't I be happy?" My voice cracked as tears began to flow down my face.

"It's okay to feel this way," she said softly, her voice full of empathy and understanding. "You don't have to hold back your tears. Let them flow." And so I did, letting all my emotions out as I cried in her comforting presence.

"Kim Seorin, a young and ambitious woman, deserves all the good things life has to offer. She deserves to experience true happiness and joy in life, to have excellent health that will enable her to pursue her dreams and passions and to achieve financial stability that will provide her with a sense of security and peace of mind. As her friend, I can say with certainty that she is not alone in this world. She has us, her closest friends - Jisoo Unnie, Lisa, Rose, Jennie - and me, her kookie. We are all here to support and encourage her every step of the way. If you ever dare to suggest that she is alone or doesn't deserve the best, you'll have to face me. I'll make sure that you regret your words and actions. But for now, let's forget about negative thoughts and enjoy the moment. She deserves it." She giggled, and her eyes sparkled with love and loyalty towards her friend. 

We could not contain our laughter and burst out laughing like maniacs. She then gave me a warm and comforting hug before heading towards the customers who had just walked into the restaurant. I feel extremely lucky to have her as my friend; she is not only a great person but also a great friend.

At present, it's 12:18 am and my shift is almost over, ending in just a few minutes at 12:30 am. Since most of the workers come in after our shift ends, we have to take up the responsibility of cooking the orders ourselves. Unfortunately, the customers have ordered complicated dishes which require a lot of time and effort to prepare.

Finally, we said our goodbyes, and I chose to make my way home on foot, listening to some music. The road was deserted as it was already midnight, and the only sound I could hear was the steady sound of my footsteps hitting the pavement. Wonyoungie offered me a ride, but I refused, as I prefer the thrill of walking alone in the dead of night. The cold, empty streets give me a sense of power and control that I can't find elsewhere. The wind is my only companion, whispering dark secrets in my ear as I walk. I like to feel the chill on my skin and the taste of fear in my mouth. Walking alone in the darkness, I am reminded of how insignificant we all are, and yet, how much power we can hold over others. It's a heady feeling, and I relish it.

I reached home did some work and went into Jungkookie's room. As I lay down next to him, he snuggled up close, his warm and furry body pressed against mine. I smiled as he nuzzled his head under my chin, his soft breath tickling my skin. I wrapped my arms around him, feeling the warmth of his body and the softness of his fur against my skin. Kookie seemed to sense my weariness, and he snuggled in even closer as if trying to comfort me. I stroked his fur gently, enjoying the sensation of his silky-smooth coat under my fingertips. 

We lay there in silence for a while, just enjoying each other's company. I could feel his heart beating against mine, and I knew that he felt just as content and happy as I did. As we cuddled, I felt all my stress and worries melt away, replaced by a deep sense of peace and relaxation. Kookie seemed to have that effect on me - his presence always made everything better. 

As we drifted off to sleep, I knew that I was lucky to have such a sweet and loving companion by my side. Kookie was more than a pet - he was my friend, my confidant, and my constant source of comfort.


guys Ik after a long time I am updating but soon are my exams I will my best to update.

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