Chapter 6

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The rest of the holidays flew by. Although Violet missed the twins and Lee desperately; and the quiet emptiness in the halls of Hogwarts was not unnoticed; she had enjoyed the break from classes. There were not many students staying at Hogwarts, as most of them had opted to spend the holiday with their families. Throughout this time Violet and Tonks were unseperable; they ate together, spent their days together and Tonks would even stay in Angelina's bed every night so the girls could stay up chatting and giggling. Although Violet was now quite close with the girls in her dorm, their friendships didn't compare to how much she loved spending time around Tonks. She was hilarious, kind, mischievous, cunning and beautiful all in one. Violet prayed that one day she would be just like the older girl.

The girls were sitting in front of the open fire in the common room as they often did when the portrait swung open. Violet's eyes fluttered up to the door hopefully, as they had every time a student had climbed through in the past couple of hours.

"Violet!" Fred shouted, as the two ginger haired boys stepped through the door.

"Freddie! George!" Violet squealed, jumping up from her chair and running over to the twins. She arrived in front of them, her feet stopping awkwardly as she stared at them not knowing what to do now. Before she had another second to think about it, Fred grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her tightly. She'd just called him "Freddie" for the first time, a nickname reserved for the people closest to him. It had made him feel a warmth inside his chest that he hadn't felt before, and he was suddenly overwhelmed by how relieved he was to be back at Hogwarts with her. Violet's body was stiff as her eyes widened slightly and her cheeks blushed.

"I missed you so much, Vi." Fred said gently into her ear, just so she could hear him. Violet realised she had been holding her breath and exhaled into the hug instantly melting against her best friend. She wrapped her arms arm him tightly.

"I'm starting to feel a bit left out here!" George said impatiently, before wrapping his arms around the two of them also. Violet giggled as the twins squeezed her, sandwiching her much shorter body between them.

"Shall we all go somewhere to catch up?" George asked, leaving the hug. Fred's arms stayed firmly wrapped around Violet for another moment, perhaps a moment too long as his face started to glow red as he let go of the girl. Violet narrowed her eyes at the boy, wondering why he was acting so strange. She would come to give Fred Weasley this look regularly over the coming years.

"Sure George, anywhere in mind?" Violet asked,

"Yes, but we can't tell you where yet." George answered, tapping his nose.

Violet walked with the twins down the corridors of Hogwarts as they chatted about their holidays. Fred and George had been very grateful for the large mixed assortment of sweets and pack of prank pens that Violet had bought them for Christmas. In turn, Violet thanked them both profusely for the necklace they had gifted to her. She also caught them up on everything she now knew about the Circle of Khanna, and what they had been up to with locating secret vaults. Fred and George hung on to her every word as she told them about her and Tonks finding The Fear Vault, occasionally interrupting for more details on specific things, or expressing how dangerous it could have been. Violet rolled her eyes at them.

"I can defend myself, you know." She'd tell them each time, not liking the idea of them thinking she was some weak little girl. When she eventually finished updating them, she realised they were standing in a corridor on the fourth floor, in front of a tall mirror. She stared at the three of them the reflection.

"What are we doing here?" Violet blinked blankly at them. Fred and George grinned, as Fred pulled the piece of parchment that they had found in Filch's office out of his robe. Violet's eyes narrowed for the second time that day, as she watched them.

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