Chapter 27

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On the morning of February the 24th Violet awoke with her stomach churning violently. She rushed out of Fred's bed and into the boy's bathroom, emptying her stomach into the toilet bowl.

"You okay, sweet girl?" Asked Fred, entering the room and pulling her hair behind her head. "More visions?"

Violet nodded as she finished throwing up. She'd been having visions nearly every night since the Yule Ball, and was regularly sick after them. They weren't always bad, and she couldn't always remember them or make sense of them, but they were always there. She'd had a few occurrences where she'd see the concrete prison and the Death Eater she now knew as Nott Senior, but thankfully she'd had that one so many times at this point that it didn't affect her as deeply as it used to.

"The lake. Something to do with Harry's task today. I think they've taken Hermione and Ron. I saw them tied up at the bottom of the lake, I think Harry's going to have to save them."

"Tied them at the bottom of the lake? It's bloody February they'll freeze to death!" Fred asked, clearly outraged at the idea.

"Yeah. They're alive though, and they don't seem panicked. I can feel their auras. Dumbledore's obviously put them in some sort of stasis to keep them alive down there, without freezing or drowning... Fucking barbaric man."

Fred wrapped his arms around Violet, wiping her lips with a tissue.

"Let's hope Harry's quick with it. You're ice cold..." He mumbled, kissing her temple and rubbing her arms. "Let's get you in the bath and warm you up." He insisted, turning on the taps and helping her to undress.

"Do you think I'm getting fat?" Violet asked, narrowing her eyes at her naked reflection.

"Don't be ridiculous." Fred laughed, her eyes scanning up and down her body.

"I'm not being ridiculous, my stomach's always bloated at the minute it never use to be like that."

"It happens when you get older Vi, women plump up a little bit it's normal."

"I guess." Violet replied as he took her hand and helped her into the bath. She frowned as he sat next to the tub. "Are you not getting in?"

"You've just vomited, I didn't realise you'd want me in with you." He smirked.

"I always want you in with me, who else is meant to wash my hair?" She winked.

She watched as Fred took his t-shirt off, letting her eyes linger on his abs and defined muscles. Her eyes fluttered down to his member as he took off his trousers and boxers.

"You're gorgeous." She smiled, meeting his eyes with hers. He blushed.

"Not as gorgeous as you."

He climbed in the bath behind her, starting to massage her head with shampoo. She let out a small moan, her shoulders slumping and eyes closing in relaxation. Fred chuckled, his soapy hands falling down to her bare shoulders and rubbing circles into the back of them.

"That feels so good." Violet sighed, feeling Fred harden against her lower back.

"Well, I do live to make you feel good, pretty girl."

Violet shuddered as his hands drifted around to her breasts, cupping and kneading them gently. She tipped her head back against his chest as another moan fell from her lips.

"Open your legs, sweetheart." He whispered, his lips brushing against her ear. She shuddered, obeying him and parting her legs. "Such a good girl." He mumbled, sucking and biting on the side of her neck as his hands travelled over her stomach, teasing the skin above her heat. "What do you want?"

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