Chapter 16

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Adrenaline filled Violet's veins as they all scrambled out of the tent. Fred gripped her hand tightly in his, his eyes dark and protective.

"It's the Death Eaters!" A man with a blood-stained face screamed as he sprinted past them, his shoulder knocked violently into Violet's. If Fred hadn't been holding her, she would have been shoved to the ground by the sheer force of it.

"Are you okay?" Fred asked, placing his hand delicately on her cheek. He was terrified, but he refused to show it. Violet nodded uncertainly. Her shoulder hurt, badly, but she didn't think now was the appropriate time to complain.

"Everybody get back to the Port Key!" Yelled Arthur, "Stick together- Fred, George; Ginny is your responsibility!" He said, before rushing away from his family with no further explanation. Harry, Ron and Hermione had disappeared into the crowd and Ginny screamed loudly as she caught sight of the Death Eaters marching towards them. Violet's blood ran cold.

It was like something from a horror movie. The Death Eater's wore skeletal masks, tall pointed hats and black capes which gave the illusion that they were floating. They carried large torches which they were using to set fire to the tents around them and the bodies which were lying on the ground. Oh Merlin, the bodies. There were several scattered around them, some dead and some screaming as they writhed in pain. They hadn't been reached by the Death Eater's yet but had been trampled by the people fleeing to escape the Death Eaters.

"We've got to go!" George yelled, grabbing Ginny's hand and breaking into a sprint. Fred followed dragging Violet behind him. With each step Violet's shoulder felt as though her bones were grinding, the pain was burning but she didn't allow it to slow her as she sprinted. Ginny was crying loudly but George didn't allow her to stop running until they had reached the forest. Fred and Violet ran behind them, deflecting curses from the Death Eaters as they went. They all scrambled in as they reached the outskirts of the forest, and finally stopped when they reached a small clearing in the trees to catch their breath.

"Gin, it's okay we're safe now." Fred panted, finally letting go of Violet's hand to comfort his little sister. Nobody apart from Violet noticed as a Death Eater broke into the clearing.

"Avada Ked-..."

"Flippendo!" Violet screamed, before the Death Eater could finish his curse. Fred and George's head snapped around just in time to see Violet's spell hit him. He propelled backwards, smacking his head so forcefully against a large oak tree that blood exploded from it on impact and knocked his mask off. George covered Ginny's eyes instantly as they all stared in shock at the Death Eater. His face hung droopily from where it should have been, as though somebody had cut along his scalp and allowed his skin to dangle gruesomely from where it once sat. One of his eyeballs had been expelled from his head and hung out of it's socket. He let out a scream of agony, before going limp. Violet dropped to her knees as bile rose in her throat.

"I- I..." She couldn't get her words out as she vomited on the ground beneath her. She felt a hand grab the back of her jumper and tear her up from the ground.

"It's okay Vi, you're okay. You did what you had to. We've got to get to the Port Key." Fred said as he supported her trembling body to stand.

"What on earth happened?" Arthur asked, his mouth dropping as he looked at Violet. Fred, Ginny and George were all white and looked ready to be sick. "Are you all okay?"

Nobody replied as the Port Key began to shake.

"Get back to your mother. I need to find the others." Arthur said.

Everybody leaned forwards to grab hold of it, and were transported back to The Burrow. The walk back was silent.

"Oh Merlin, you poor things." Molly Weasley sobbed as they walked into The Burrow, she grabbed Ginny and squeezed her as tight as she could. She had clearly heard the news of the ambush at the world cup. Her eyes widened as she looked up at caught sight of Violet. "V-Violet?" She asked, her sobbing stopping and leaving a scared shaky voice behind.

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