Chapter 13

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Exams had gone by quickly, and Violet felt confident that she had at least passed them all. Her brain had been in a different place ever since she'd had the conversation with her mother, barely sleeping due to her exceedingly terrifying nightmares.

"No sleep again, Trelawney?" Fred asked her, as she walked alongside him and George to the Great Hall for their last breakfast before going to The Burrow for the Summer.

"No, I slept." She replied with a huff. She was in the habit of explaining her nightmares to the twins now, and they knew that sleeping for her often made her more tired than not. Fred put his hand in hers and squeezed gently, earning an eyebrow raise from George. George Weasley was not stupid. He knew that something was going on between his brother and Violet since the start of the year, but whenever he'd asked them about it they declined to tell him anymore and would just say it's not like they're a couple or anything. He also hadn't missed the fact that they'd regularly go missing together, returning with love bites across their necks and messy hair. He'd even spotted one on Fred's lower abdomen a couple of weeks ago, and teased him about it since. Despite teasing his twin, he'd never brought it up to Violet not wanting to make her uncomfortable.

"What did you dream about?" George asked, as they sat down next to Lee and Daphne who were already eating.

"Fire. Loads and loads of fire. I don't know where we were but it was you, me, Fred and Ginny. We had to run from these people in these awful, scary masks chasing us. And no matter how fast we ran, we'd turn around and they'd still be behind us." Violet told them, "So we ran into the woods to hide a- and..." Violet stopped speaking and just stared down at her still empty plate. Her blackened, exhausted eyes stood out immensely against her pale skin. Whatever had happened next in her dream, it was clearly too difficult for her to talk about. George placed a hand on her back to comfort her, rubbing it gently as Fred put a couple of sausages, eggs and tomatoes on Violet's plate.

"That sounds awful, Vi." Daphne who had been listening in to the conversation said. "I'm sorry, if I'd have known you were having a bad dream I would have woke you."

"It's okay. It's not your fault." Vi smiled weakly at her friend, who took her hand across the table and stroked it carefully.

"I'm going to miss you so much over Summer." Daphne said, pouting slightly. As usual, Daphne was going back to France for the holidays.

"I'm going to miss you more." Violet winked back at her friend, trying to shake herself out of the sadness her dream had put her in. She had wanted to tell them what had happened next, but it was all too awful and she didn't want to upset the twins.

"Eat up, Vi. You need your energy." Fred said, putting a fork in her free hand and nodding his head at her plate. She rolled her eyes before doing as she was told.

The train journey back felt like it took forever. When she had gotten off of the Hogwarts express, she was relieved as Molly Weasley wrapped her arms around her tightly.

"Oh my dear, dear girl! Exam's gotten the better of you?" The red headed lady asked, taking Violet's face in her hands and taking in her appearance. "You look exhausted darling! Don't you worry, I'll get you feeling better in no time!" She exclaimed, hugging the girl again before turning her attention to her children. "Fred and George Weasley! I would have thought you'd have taken better care of the girl!" She scolded as she hugged the two of them. After another growth spurt, the twins towered over Mrs Weasley now.

"We do mum!" The two said in sync.

"They do Mrs Weasley I promise!" Violet stuck up for them, "I've just been having a lot of bad dreams, makes it difficult to sleep."

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