Chapter 23

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 Violet had managed to forget about Fred's statements about entering the Triwizard Tournament until she heard about his and George's attempt to age themselves to enter the age line drawn by Dumbledore. She was relieved of course, that it hadn't worked, but furious nonetheless.

"When are you going to forgive us, Vi?" George asked at breakfast one morning. It had been three days since their failed attempt and she'd been cold to the twins since.

"Unsure." Violet replied, buttering her toast with a little too much ferocity and managing to tear the bread. She released a tense breath, ignoring the toast and standing up to leave the table.

"Where are you going? I don't understand why you're so mad!" Fred groaned, as Violet ignored him and strode out of the Great Hall.

"Of course she's mad." Daphne said, rolling her eyes at the boys. "You hid the fact that you were still going to enter from her after she made it clear how against it she was."

"We only hid it because we didn't want her to tell us off!" George replied.

"It doesn't matter why you did it, you still did! She feels like her trust's been betrayed! You guys have been best friends since first year."

"I would be mad if I was Violet." Hermione added, "It was completely idiotic of the both of you to think you could outsmart Professor Dumbledore."

"Yeah, and she is your girlfriend Fred I don't think you're meant to keep secrets from her." Ron said, stuffing his mouth with bacon.

Fred gave a big sigh.

"She's going to dump me, isn't she?" He groaned, putting his head in his hands.

"Oh don't be so dramatic Fred." Daphne chuckled.


Violet was burning off some anger by walking around the castle when she noticed Theodore Nott standing against the wall with his friends.

He'd been on her mind since the day he defended her against Adrian Pucey, and she couldn't stop wondering what Pucey meant when he said he'd done it for Nott.

Against her better instincts, Violet approached the boys.

"Trelawney, what do you want?" Draco Malfoy asked with a sneer.

"I want to talk to Nott."

The boys laughed.

"Like he's going to want to talk to you." The chubbier boy said.

"Please, Theodore. It's important." Violet asked, looking only at the boy.

"Fine." He replied, ignoring the look of surprise on his friends faces and their arguments against the idea. "Where do you want to go?"

"The Courtyard's pretty quiet, maybe there?"

Theodore nodded, silently following her.

"What is it, Trelawney? What's so important?" He finally asked when they reached the courtyard, seemingly fed up of her already.

"I need to know what Pucey meant when he said he did it for you." Violet replied, feeling hopeless when he sighed and turned to leave. "Please! I need to know. I've... Been having visions since that day... And I can't help but feel like you're a bigger part in all of this."

"You need to fucking drop it, Trelawney." Nott snapped angrily, turning to walk away.

"I wish I could!" Violet snarled back. "I think he's going to come back!"

That had caught Theodore's attention. He spun back to glare at her.

"Who's going to come back?"

"The Death Eater... The one I... Killed."

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