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I walk back to Joel's fairground on the mound where I notice Martyn standing outside it. He looks a bit nervous.

"Hi Martyn," I say, making him jump a little, "What are you doing here?"
"Joel!" he says, "I wanted to bring you this,"
He points over to the ferris wheel, where there is a horse, a black horse, Etho's horse. Etho's horse is the fastest, and I wanted it so badly, and now it was in front of me, brought by probably the most hated person in the land.

"Why?" is the only word that comes out of my mouth, and we walk inside my helter skelter.
"I've done some bad things, but I want to make it right and I need your help. I was so angry with myself for my death, but once Jimmy and Mumbo died, I became angrier because I could've prevented their deaths. I was the last last life left, and I needed to survive.
"Then I realised I was being blamed for everything that went wrong. So I decided that if other people thought I was the blame for everything, I might take my chance to be the blame for everything. I set Etho on fire and dropped an anvil on both Tango and Skizz. I sat by and watched Bdubs die, and I could've prevented it.
"Could you help me make things right? I think everyone sees me as a murderer and so many people are blaming me for things I didn't do. Now people are dropping like flies and I don't want to be next. I need allies."

"I have never thought you were a murderer," I say, not thinking of much else to say. I would say, violence is never the answer, but I would be like him if I was in his situation, probably worse actually, "I'll help you,"

"How can I make things right?" he asks me.
"Give them gifts, like what you did for me?" I suggest.
"I guess? Like what?"
"Golden apples? Things they need?"
"Yeah, I have a lot of gold." Martyn gives a smile.
"Did you say you could've prevented Bdubs' death? How?"
"Well, I was there as you know, and Gem was there and we watched the spiders- oh it's not worth lying."
"Wait what?" I'm confused. Why was he lying?

"I watched Bdubs enter into the skeleton exp farm and then I saw Gem follow. I saw them both come out with green skin. And then, Gem threatened me, Joel."
"How?" I enquire, interested in what Martyn has to say,
"She said I had to say I witnessed the event and did nothing to stop it else she and Bdubs would kill me. And I don't want to lose my life."
I feel bad for him, so I decide to give the point of reason.
"That's fair, but you won't be able to keep lying to everyone for much longer. A few of us already know that Gem killed Bdubs."

"Do you?"
"Yeah," I say, "Do you want to come to Grian, Etho and Cleo's with me?"
"Okay." he says, smiling.
I realise we're standing in the doorway of my helter skelter, and out of the door I see them.

They're here. Outside. Except it's not just Gem, Bdubs and Impulse. Scar and Pearl are there too. And they're coming for us.


I don't trust that Joel will be safe sleeping alone tonight. So at sunset, I voice my dilemma.
"Might be an idea to bring him back to us," Grian says, and Cleo agrees. We leave the house and head over to the fairground.

It's dark once we reach the fairground, and I can just make out some figures in the distance. A horse whinnies which sounds sort of like my horse but I doubt it.

The figures, we realise, are zombies. There's 5 of them, surrounding Joel's helter skelter. I'm almost certain Joel is in there, as well.
"We need to fight off the zombies," I whisper,
"We can't! They're our friends," Grian whispers back.
"We need a distraction then." I say, and after Grian nods, I run forward and get all of the zombies' attention.


It is the only distraction that came to my mind, okay?

Despite none of the zombies apart from Impulse ever being a part of that joke, they all followed me, and I ran down to the lake. For zombies, they run quite fast.

Pearl and Bdubs pull out their bows and start pinging arrows at me. Meanwhile, Scar pulls out his sword and I realise an enderman has looked at me. I plunge into the water and Scar slices at me until I start bleeding on my legs from all the cuts. I come up above the water but I don't have the strength to pull myself out of the water.

Scar picks up his sword, and everything goes black.

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