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Literally nothing was at the end of my path. Just a large mountain with nothing on it. I turn back around and stroll back to my base. No one is there, so I assume they found things at the end of their paths. Ah well.

Sitting on my bed, I continue reading about traps, as I have the full book set. All the traps seem very complex, so I put the book down. I hear a frustrated yell from Gem's house and naturally I walk outside.

"Everything okay there?" I ask the house. I hear Gem's voice,
"Scar just shot me!"
She walks outside, still a zombie and I back away.
"I'm on my last life!"
Suddenly, Gem pulls out her sword and takes a swing at me. I bring out my shield and block the attack. Then I swing at her. She blocks. She swings again but I miss the block and she slices at my waist, just where my chestplate and leggings split. It's a good hit, and that's my cue to run.

I rush down the base and off the platform into the lake. Gem doesn't follow me, so I get over to Grian's base. Cleo and Tango are there.
"Hi Scott!" Cleo says, smiling to see me enter.
"Hi Cleo!" I say, noticing that she's forgotten about our previous feud.
"Did you find Grian and Martyn?"
"No, but Gem died and she didn't change from being a zombie,"
"So we're not going to be able to kill them unless we make them lose all 3 lives," Tango says.
"I think we should stay here for now and try to get as many people here as possible," Cleo says.

I remove my armour on my legs and look at my waist - it's bleeding.
"Anything I can put on this?" I ask.
"You could put some moss on it?" Tango suggests, "There's some in that chest," He indicates a nearby chest and I look inside it. I find a lot of junk and some moss. I pick up a tiny bit of moss and put it onto my bleeding waist before replacing my armour.
"Thanks." I say.

And now we wait.


I wake up in a room. I can't recognise it, but it looks like it's underground from what I can see in my poor vision. My shoulder aches like mad.

The zombies, Martyn, fire. It all comes back to me. A small torch lights up the whole room and I go towards it. The warmth is pleasant in the room which is cold. But one questions sticks on my mind.
Where am I?

I get my pickaxe out of my pocket and I start tunnelling a staircase out of the room. I reach the surface and I see that I'm close to Joel's fairground on the mound. I'm probably close to the tunnel I dug when I was running away from the zombies and Martyn.

Where is Martyn?

I run to my base and enter through the doorway. Scott, BigB, Tango and Cleo are there.

"Grian! We were looking for you!" Scott exclaims, "Did you see Martyn by chance?"
"Yes." I say, out of breath.


"What happened?"
"Where was Martyn?"
Grian is bombarded with questions, and he starts to explain what happened.

"Right, so, you left me behind and Martyn saved my life. Then, we were chased by zombies in the forest and we were surrounded by fire,"
Cleo looks a little awkward.
"The zombies gave us a choice where either Martyn goes with them or we both die, and..."
"Yeah." Scott says.
"Then, I find Skizz and he goes to Joel's house with me. Martyn is in the house and he lures us in and then the zombies try to kill us. I think Skizz is a zombie.
"And then I left and Martyn was ordered to chase me. I tunnelled under Lizzie's house, and then he stabbed me in the shoulder. I woke up in an underground box and now I'm here."

"So Martyn has sided with the zombies?" I ask.
"No, I think he's being ordered to do whatever they say," Scott says.
"Great." Tango says.
"So what do we do?" Grian asks, seriously.
I don't know.
"Find Martyn?" I suggest.
"We should stay here. The zombies will come to us." Scott says.


"I did what you said!" I yell at the zombie Gem in front of me. We're standing in the forest. The fire has died down but is still going in some areas.
"Where is Grian in my army then?" she demands.
"I told you! He got away!" I argue, knowing I'm going to die either way.
"How? As far as Scar and Pearl know, he passed out."
"He didn't! He fell over and dug down and blocked it up with obsidian!"

This didn't actually happen. Grian fainted and I told Scar and Pearl I'd bring him to the surface to get them to leave, and then I left him in a box a little bit closer to the fairground on the mound and blocked it up with obsidian.
"Martyn, I'll give you one more chance," she says, and I give a sigh of relief, "Assist us or we'll kill you,"
"Yes," I say, knowing there isn't another option that will get me out of this alive.

*                    *                    *

"Everyone!" Gem commands all the zombies to listen to her. We're at the burnt heart.
"We're going to infect the rest of the humans. I hear that they are at the residence of Grian and Cleo."
Gem gives a crooked smile before continuing,
"Bdubs, Impulse, Pearl, you will attack at the front. Skizz, Joel, Etho, you will attack on the side. Martyn, Scar and I will attack from the other side."

My stomach lurches at the idea of working with Gem, but I say nothing.

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