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We reach the room with the green terracotta and Etho's Dishwashers.
"I'm sorry for fighting you!" Martyn says. I look at Martyn and ask:
"What were they doing to you?"
"They threatened to kill me if I didn't do everything they said," he looks a little scared, which makes sense considering what he's doing.

I walk casually into the enchantment area.
"Wow, they have... a lot of books," Martyn is staring at it as if he has never seen anything like it. I look at the enchantment table and notice a note on it. Except it's not a note, it's a book page.
"What's this?" I ask, even though Martyn obviously doesn't know the answer. I read what it says. It's about zombie potions. The word 'antidote' catches my eye and I read the paragraph.

This is the antidote to stopping the zombies. We can do this.
"Hey Martyn, any idea where to get a sculk catalyst?"
"I think you can find them in ancient cities." he says. That won't work. There isn't an ancient city on this island. He adds:

"Or you can get it by killing a warden."


Where has Scott gone?

Grian has 4 people targetting him: Tango, Scar, Etho and Joel. There's no way he's going to survive this. His shield will break at some point.

I kick Bdubs and Impulse out the way and help Grian. We have 7 people attacking us now. Grian and I hold our shields in front of us since this is a battle we can't win.
"Finish them!" Gem shrieks, obviously enjoying this. We need to retreat. I run and pull Grian along with me. The crowd of zombies chase after us, and we slide down the hill and over to the Heart Foundation.

I pull Grian up the remains of the heart, and I lit the rest of the ladder on fire.
"What do we do now?" I ask.
"I don't know, but my shoulder is killing me,"

I notice that one of the zombies is building up to us. What do we do? This is how we die.
"Psst," Etho says from the top of his dirt tower, "I'll bail you out. Come with me,"
Etho holds out his hand and Grian immediately jumps off and holds on. I'm a little more hesitant but I finally agree to jump and hold on too. Etho breaks the tower and lets go of us once we can jump off and get away. The zombies are confused but Etho shouts:
"They're still up there!"
Grian and I run for our lives, but we still hear the echo of Gem's loud voice. It rings a worrying question.

"Has anyone seen Martyn?"


"Is this a good idea?"

I'm looking at the sculk shrieker in doubt, even though I know exactly what's about to happen. It worked for Grian and Etho, and we're in the same place.

"It's the only way to stop this apocalypse,"
"It's just the two of us trying to kill it though."
Scott stays silent.
The note block playing in the background makes this situation a lot more tense.
The sculk shrieker screams. Once, twice, three times, four times... the warden appears from the ground.

We run to the bubble elevator and shoot up it. The warden follows and we run down the path made for it. The warden runs down the pathway until we reach the spawn area and it is free and roaming the land.

Scott and I pull out our bows and begin to shoot the warden, changing the direction we shoot at every time to make sure it doesn't know where we are. Even though it is pitch  black, we do a fair amount of damage before we see that two other people are helping.

Grian and Cleo are shooting at the warden as well. It sends a sonic boom, which we all avoid. We keep chipping at its health until it finally gives a shriek and falls to the ground, exploding into a sculk catalyst.
"We did it!" Scott exclaims.

I'm just about to grab the catalyst before I am restrained by someone. One of their arms lock around my chest and they put a sword to my throat.

I watch as Grian runs in and picks up the catalyst, but he walks into Scar, who drags him closer to him and stands behind him, putting the straight part of his bow in front of Grian's neck to stop him from moving.

Cleo is held back by Etho, who is gripped onto her, pressing onto her shoulders

Scott is restricted by Pearl and Impulse, each of them grabbing one of his arms.

Etho, Joel, BigB, Skizz and Tango surround me.

"I should've done this a while back." Gem says, pulling the sword closer to my throat.

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