Chapter 21 - Moon Pies

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I bounce with Daniel's steps like a rag doll

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I bounce with Daniel's steps like a rag doll. I haven't stopped yelling at the man since he barged into that barn and threw me over his shoulder like a caveman. Never would I have thought Daniel, my ever-poised and conceited husband, would act like a cave-dwelling barbarian in front of so many people.

"Put me down, Daniel. I don't know what you think--"

"Lottie-Dah!" I hear Beau shout. He sounds out of breath and nervous. "I'm so sorry!"

My head flies up and my eyes meet Beau, a very disheveled and semi-naked Beau. Oh my.

I'm yanked from Daniel's shoulder and pushed behind Daniel's back. His hand firmly holds me in place, not allowing me to move an inch.

"Stay away, Beau. I mean it," Daniel says through his teeth. "Stay away from us, you sick--"

"Let me explain!" Beau shouts as I manage to get my head to peek around Daniel, and I get a better look at the Beau. His hands are up defensively as he takes a step toward us. He's missing his shoes and shirt. His jeans are on but unbuttoned. Chocolate is smeared all over his face, making him look like a drunk panda; and his chest; and eyes grow big as they follow the chocolate path, and force my eyes back up. I guess Beau got to break into the Moon Pies.

"Stay back!" Daniel shouts, taking a step forward himself.

"It's not what you think," Beau says as his eyes shift to me pleadingly. He's not sure what to do here. Does he tell Daniel the truth and potentially put me on the spot? I can practically see Beau's brain working desperately to come up with an explanation for what Daniel's just seen. Unfortunately, I can also tell Beau's brain is lacking enough blood to function properly since he is still very much set on Moon Pies.

Honestly, I have no idea what's the best route here, but I know I need to fix this and fast. By the looks of it, Daniel is ready to pummel Beau if he gets any closer, and I can't have that, regardless of how many points Beau would get with Penny, so I step around Daniel and straighten my shoulders for what comes next.

"Lottie, stay behind me. You have no idea what he...I...he's just not who you think he is, little bird. We need to go. Please." The desperation in Daniel's voice, I find shocking.

I spin and press my hand on Daniel's chest, making sure his eyes meet mine directly. "It's okay, Daniel. Trust me, okay?"

His jaw clenches, but he nods anyway. He conceded. Well, there's that at least.

I turn and face Beau directly, fighting back my giggles. This is a serious situation, I remind myself. A giggle slips. Whoops!

There's movement from behind Beau. Penny is hobbling toward us. Her skirt is backward, her shirt is unbuttoned, and there's chocolate on her chest, her face, and her hair. I'm afraid this image will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life, and I never asked for it. Surprisingly, Penny doesn't look concerned or embarrassed by this entire situation. She looks elated, like the cat who got the cream, and I know this is the moment her little story comes to full fruition and the other woman finally gets her man. I can't let her down. Knowing what I must do, I look at Daniel and say, "Forget everything, and I mean everything, you're about to witness. If you ever mention this moment again...ever...I'll bury you."

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