Elrond - pregnant

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Summary: You go to tell Elrond you are pregnant but end up in a fight. 

You had been feeling unwell for some time now. You got dizzy whenever you stood up too fast and food made you nauseous. You had even thrown up a few times and started to worry.

Your husband, Elrond, had started to worry as well. His wife had not come to him with these troubles but he could see the change in you and it worried him immensely.

You and Elrond had not been married for long and you were quite a lot younger than Elrond who had already been married once and had three children. It has not been an easy road to get to where you two are today. You had believed yourself too young and too inexperienced to ever earn the affection of Elrond, and Elrond had fought against his thoughts that you deserved so much more out of life than to settle with an old elf.

It had worked out in the end and you both were happy beyond compare. But now you are starting to worry about your own health. At first you just brushed it away but now...

It was still early morning and Elrond had just left for his study, leaving the bed cold without your husband's embrace. Today you have decided to go to a healer. You did have a healer in your bed every night, but didn't want to worry your husband. You didn't know he was already worried as well.

You got dressed, put on a flowy baby blue dress and combed your hair. Feeling far too nauseous to have any breakfast, you went straight to the healer.

"Good morning Lady Y/N," said the elderly elf as you walked in. Her name was Arían and she was the best healer in Rivendell. Well, after your husband maybe. "Are you not feeling well my dear?"

You sat down in the room and told her of your symptoms. Arían did a little check up and examined you. The visit took nearly an hour, because you had to fight the urge to throw up all the time.

"It is as I suspected," she said. You were waiting nervously for what she would say. Were you sick? Would you die? What would you say to Elrond? HOW would you tell Elrond? You had not even been married for a year and now your life would just end?

The negative thoughts spiraled inside your head, coming up with all the possible worst case scenarios that you barely heard what the healer told you.

"You are pregnant my Lady."

You snapped your head in her direction, mouth agape and eyes wide. "Wh-what?"

"You heard me. Pregnant."

"Oh my..." You had to take deep breaths and try to comprehend what was happening. You were pregnant? You and Elrond were having a child? You were happy of course but what would Elrond say? Was it too soon for the two of you?

"I... I have to go find him," was all you could get out, as you stood up too quickly for your dizzy head, but ignored it and rushed out of the healers and practically ran to Elrond's study. You were out of breath as you approached so you stood outside the door to catch your breath for a minute before nervously knocking.

You did not hear any response so you carefully opened the door and peeked inside. "Meleth nin?" you asked softly.

When you opened the door you saw your husband looking deep in thought, not paying his attention to his work as he usually does but just staring out the window. When he heard your voice he turned to you and his look alone could make your fragile heart break. You had never seen Elrond look this sad and worried.

"Meleth nin, what is wrong?" You rushed to his side and sat down on your knees in front of his chair, placing one of your hands on his lap while the other delicately cupped his cheek.

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