Thranduil - Rage

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Summary: Thranduil has been neglecting his wife for some time because of work but Y/N has finally had enough of it. 

Thranduil's first wife had passed away, the one he had Legolas with. He was now married to you and you had been married for years in a very happy marriage.

Thranduil was everything to you. He was more holy than the Valar themselves in your eyes, with his handsome sculpture and manners that made everyone listen. He made you feel safe and loved, and he treated you like you were the most precious thing this world could hold.

He would always stop what he was up to if he saw you were distressed and would always try to come back to your chambers after a long day's work to have supper and fall asleep together.

At least, that is what it used to be like.

Thranduil has been working late and going up early for several weeks now. And you understand mostly, because there is an evil growing just outside our borders and more and more spiders are making its way into the woods.

But you miss him. He doesn't make it to bed until you are asleep and leave before you even wake up. He doesn't keep his promises of coming back to your chambers for supper so you two can talk as you have requested several times. And you really need to talk to him.

Around the time Thranduil started behaving like this you found out you were with child and you still haven't told him because you barely see him anymore and the times you do have him alone he is in a bad mood.

Your husband never takes out his anger on you, but lately that has been happening too, giving you snarky comments all the time and you just feel like you are in his way and that he's annoyed by your very existence. But you have to tell him, and it breaks your heart every time he doesn't show when he's promised he will and every time he looks at you and you see his eyes are no longer filled with the same love they used to hold.

Today you had asked him to go for a walk with you and look at the stars. You sat and waited for an hour as you fiddled with your wedding ring but of course your husband never showed. You let out a sad sigh and felt your eyes water as you touched your slightly bulging stomach.

I will not stand for this any longer, you thought and gritted your teeth, feeling anger taking place inside you instead of sadness.

You started marching through the halls until you came to the throne room and walked right in, seeing your husband sitting there in his throne while consulting with some other elves you were sure you knew but did not pay any attention to.

Thranduil didn't pay you any mind until you were right in front of the throne, seeming annoyed you were barching in while he was working.

"You broke your promise again," you told him angrily.

Thranduil didn't answer, only looked at you like he didn't have any idea what you were talking about and didn't care.

"You were supposed to meet me in the gardens," you specified when he didn't answer.

He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "I am in the middle of a meeting Y/N, we can talk about this in our chambers when I am done."

You scoffed. "Yes but that would only work if you actually showed up! Something you have not done in weeks! So no, Thranduil, I can not talk to you later because you are never there!"

You could see an angry flare in his eyes as he quickly dismissed the elves, leaving only the two of you and some guards as he descended the throne and strode up to you, towering over you rather menacingly making you feel very small. But you would not be intimidated, you were too angry for that so you just looked up into his eyes defiantly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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