Chapter 04. | Tempestuous Night

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I know everything happens for a reason but what the fuck, universe?

There's a bigger chance of being hit by three meteors at once than the possibility of being stuck inside the library with Mr. Reid.

I should be sitting with a glass of Apple Sourz, the flames from the bonfire warming my cheeks and drunken laughter buzzing in my ears. Instead, I sit in pure darkness, eyes staring boringly at Mr. Reid.

Papers are scattered in front of him and his phone leans against a water bottle with the flashlight on. I have been watching him in silence for ten minutes, listening to the scraping sound of his pencil rubbing against the paper.

"There has to be a way out."

No answer.

"As you said, in case of a fire," I lean my elbows on the table. "It doesn't make sense the only way to escape is by breaking a window."

Still nothing.

I sigh heavily and slap my palm on top of the table, the loud smack echoing in the high ceiling. "Mr. Alexander Reid!"

"What, Hayleigh Blakely?" His eyes are locked on the papers, his pencil still scribbling words. Or mathematics forms? I can't tell from where I'm sitting.

"You're ignoring me and the pity we're in."

I reach over to snatch the pencil out of his hand but he's quick like a hawk grabbing its prey.

"Don't touch my pencil," He points a warning finger at me, finally looking away from the papers. "I'm preparing the assignments for next week."

"Now?" I loudly scoff given the situation we're in, "In the freaking dark?"

He stops scribbling to give me an annoyed glare. "What else am I supposed to do in the freaking dark? No internet, no power, and no source of actual entertainment."

"How about trying to find a way to escape?" I state the obvious.

He laughs as if I've suggested crawling to the ceilings, cracking the windows, and running around the roof until a rescue helicopter spots us in the splashing thundering weather.

"Hayleigh. We're not getting out before the power is back."

"Not with that attitude," I huff in frustration and turn on the flashlight on my phone.

The library has a modern style but without power, it feels like walking in a horror house. The shelves are tall and divided into many rows on both floors, crowned by ceiling windows in the square middle.

Mr. Reid might be glued to his seat but the least I can do is try to find a source of exit. I feel better accepting our fate if I at least try to find a way out. I know the second floor only contains study session rooms and toilets, so I stay on the ground floor.

The shelves of books cast tall shadows when I move the flashlight in both directions.

I feel it's not a coincidence I've chosen the thriller section. Books of tension, anxiety, and fear watch me like I'm the main character in a movie and I flash my phone towards a black book reading You will never escape.

Too soon.

I usually spend time in the library studying. It's a great place not to be distracted. But I've never explored the rows of books trying to find some sort of exit. There's a printer room and a supply closet but none of those lead to a secret door passage.

I walk until I reach the end of the shelves, my eyes widening in panic when a shadow casts over my body. I have to hold in everything not to scream out loud when I realize it's Mr. Reid standing with an amused smile on his face.

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