Chapter 19. | Red Hibiscus

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"Did we get rid of him?" Hayleigh's voice crackles with an unsettled intensity as she stops abruptly to look over her shoulder.

Running behind her, I grab her by the shoulders to prevent us from a collision. "I don't know," Brushing my hands over her bare skin, her wet hair tickles against my chest as she fights for air. "He looked pretty pissed."

Steam was beaming out of his ears like an old cartoon classic.

"Pissed?" Laughter bubbles beneath Hayleigh's voice as she exhales deeply. "Alex, he looked like he wanted to murder us."

"Yeah, but if he wants to fight us for the innocent decision of a night swim, he has to deal with me before he gets to you."

"Of course," She agrees promptly. "Given this was your idea."

I yelp in surprise when she pinches my arm with a heart-fluttering smile that makes me question if there's a scientific reason behind why those hazel eyes laced with mischief seem to erase my focus.

The old version of myself wouldn't lose focus over someone else. But that's the same Alexander who wouldn't dare to cross a red light at three a.m. despite being the only walking person on the street.

Tristan has been calling me a compulsive rule-rider since the eighth grade My commitment to following the rules has always been unwavering, regardless of its scope or severity.

Fuck, he should see me now.

I should have known trespassing in the pool after opening hours would lead to consequences. However, I couldn't predict being chased by an angry Balinese while using Hayleigh as a human shield for my semi-hard.

Semi-hard is a cute understatement. This thing could cut through boulders and still be fully functional and intact.

"So you're saying you would sacrifice me if needed?" A distinctive sound of porcelain crackling draws our attention to the bungalow area, alarming all my senses.

Hayleigh's eyes widen but she remains calm in her posture. "Of course. And like the caring person I am, I would run to pay and bail you out afterward."

I can't help but grin. "Because breaking into a pool is a serious felony."

"A very serious felony."

The adrenaline dissolves in the air, and for a moment I believe the hotel employee has given up. But when we hear the faint sound of Balinese profanities in the distance, our eyes widen.

"Oh my god."

I lace my fingers through hers, picking up the pace again and pulling her towards our bungalow. "Come on."

Hayleigh nearly trips over her own feet when she pushes me inside with the force of a hurricane. She forces her shoulders against the door like a barricade, arms spread as she tries to catch her breath.

It's freaking endearing. If the hotel employee wanted to, I'm sure he would have no trouble getting past her if the door wasn't locked.

"Holy shit," She whispers after a silent moment. The air is heavy with our racked breaths and lingering adrenaline and she watches me with judgment in the dim lights.


"Hayleigh." I match her tone.

"You know I can never show my face at the bar again, right? Never."

"And you're blaming me?" I grab two fresh towels from the bathroom since the maniac took the ones we brought to the pool.

"Again," She watches me closely as I enter the balcony and throw the towels on the white curtain-draped sunbed. "It was your idea."

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