Chapter 08. | Wildfire

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A folded black hoodie falls into my lap, the comfy fabric tickling my bare thighs. Matty stands beside me with a bottle of water in his hand and he huffs when he takes a seat on the tree stump next to mine.

"Thanks," I throw the fabric over my shoulders, adjusting the bun on the top of my head when I notice the smug smile on his face. "Why are you staring at me like that?"

His smile grows wider when Audrey passes him the bag of marshmallows. "I'm not staring," His eyes flash with tease while digging until he has four marshmallows on his stick. He happily accepts the bikkies that are passed by and reaches forward to roast the sugary goods over the bonfire.

"You've been staring at me since we came back from the hike."

"I'm just smiling, Hay. You don't need to overanalyze my every move."

That's not just a smile.

The way his lips tuck up revealing his dimples signifies more than mere happiness. It's because there's a reason behind and when he catches me looking in the direction of the tents, he pushes his shoulder against mine and flashes it again.

"You're doing it again!"

He laughs at my lack of attempt trying to sound dramatic, his eyes falling on Alexander who is helping Brittany and Mila with their tent. They didn't figure out the manual before the hike and now they struggle without daylight.

"Matthew, I swear, if you keep looking at me like that, I'm going to question my sanity," I warn him with the bag of marshmallows.

His eyes widen at the name drop, his mouth twisting into an even wider smile. I don't need to admit out loud what we're both thinking. I have been staring at Alexander more than necessary since we came back to the campsite. His touch still lingers on my skin. So what if I think his gesture was cute? I don't want to be a part of the 'drool over Alexander' cheerleading team, but the more I speak to him, the more I feel gutted when he speaks to anyone else.

I adjust Matty's hoodie so it covers my knees, sincerely wishing that the mosquitoes will find another blood bank than mine. I don't need another bite to the collection.

"Okay, I'll admit something," Matty leans closer, his cologne strong on his shirt. I need to remind him that wearing the Ralph Lauren Polo Blue makes him smell like a fuckboy from a mile away.

"He hasn't been taking his gaze off you since we came back."

Matty doesn't even need to drop the name to make me realize who he is talking about. A pink tint spreads to my cheeks and my mind instantly blames it on the heat from the bonfire. I look at Matty with knitted eyebrows as he continues.

"I don't know," He ponders in thought, yet I can tell he already knows what he wants to say. He always has it figured out. Always well prepared and always well worded. The man doesn't speak before he thinks and for that, I always trust his gut.

"Seems like you're diverting into the friendly phase."

Forget what I just said. He speaks nonsense, I blame it on his high sugar intake.

"We are not friends," My voice sounds way less convincing than what I'm aiming for, my eyes slowly peeking back at Alexander. The tent isn't finished being assembled, and he says something to Mila before heading back to the bonfire place, leaning down to grab a large blanket in the process.

It takes me a second to realize that the only seat left around the bonfire is on my right side. Typical. Alexander offers a smile once his tall frame is sitting on the smallest stump, I'm impressed the seating doesn't bother him and my eyebrows furrow when a blanket is placed in my lap.

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