Chapter 23. | Clarified Feelings

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"A little more to the left, Hayleigh."

If I hear the words a little more and Hayleigh in another sentence, I might succumb to the destructive part of my brain convincing me to strangle Audrey with the decorative golden garland in my hands.

The chair rattles beneath my feet when I shift to the left, feeling my arms wobble at the stretch. I inhale deeply with my eyes tight shut, searching for the politest tone in my vocal range. "Like this?"

I don't need to gaze over my shoulder to know what she looks like. Audrey's tight humming tells me it isn't good enough. I can practically imagine the wrinkles seated between her perfectly sculpted brows and mouth twisted in a scowl.

The formal dinner party and dance for graduating students is on Friday and as chairwoman for the party commiteé, Audrey has insisted on prepping for the party as if it was supposed to be held yesterday.

The banquet hall primarily used for large gatherings and sports-celebrating events has gone from an empty reverberated room to an empire of cardboard boxes and volunteering students. It's almost as big as the canteen, with large floor-to-ceiling windows and doors leading to an outdoor terrasse with a view over the green landscape and running tracks.

Normally, formals are held at an off-campus location, but since Annandale High has a place of its own, Audrey has taken it as a challenge to decorate the venue as if her life depended on it.

She spirits the perfect project coordinator at a construction site, giving everyone orders while hiding behind her clipboard and without missing a single detail.

When my arms start to ache, I tip my chin to glare at her and as expected, her brain creaks with indecision. "Any moment from now would be great, Kingston."

Completely unbothered by my tone and trembling hands, she tilts her head with a glint of dissatisfaction. "A little more to the left. Maybe a bit higher too."

"You know it's just the formal, right?" Matty asks, his head buried in a box labeled Funky Feast. "Not a visit from the British Royal Family. I doubt anyone can see a difference."

"You doubt anyone can see a difference?" Audrey tucks the clipboard under her armpit, crossing her arms firmly. "That comment just lost you the Kingston dinner party invitation next time the British Royal Family pays a visit."

Matty snorts loudly, shaking his head. "Because the first thing they do once they enter the border of Australia is heading straight to your house."

"Yes, and you're not invited, McGarry."

"Guys focus, please," I beg, feeling the chair wobble with the spasm in my arms from holding the stupid golden tinsel. "I can't stand like this forever."

Audrey falls silent and the indescribable scowl is back on her face. She chews on her bottom lip, staring intensely at my hands followed by another defeating silence.

"It needs to be higher." She finally decides.

"Well, I can't magically grow ten inches in the next five minutes." I spit, letting go of the garland and jumping down from the chair. "Use Matty."

"No, he's not tall enough. I want it above the window panels." Audrey mutters annoyed and leans her lower body against the edge of one of the tables. She combs her fingers through her hair with a deep exhale and places the clipboard on the table. "I'll go see if Lewis has a ladder we can use."

Her heels click against the floor as she huffs towards the exit, and Matty snickers when she manages to scold someone in the process.

"Dedicated woman," He mutters, pushing the Funky Feast box to the side in favor of a new one, cutting through the tape with a snap knife.

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