Chapter 31. | Burned Macallan

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The Macallan burns my throat and all the way down to my stomach as I take another sip of the pale golden liquid. Whoever's dumb enough to pay for this expensive beverage might as well drink pure acid–It affects the body in the exact same way.

If it wasn't for the paid internship, and Asher's employee discount, I would never have spent my valuable money on such absurd-numbing liquid.

But tonight, I need it.

It's my first night out in weeks, my first time leaving the apartment since Term 2 ended and Winter Break started, but my rusted mood doesn't meet the social requirements for Manning Bar on a Friday night.

Once again, Tristan's convincing capabilities tipped me over. When he wants something, he sure as hell knows how to persuade everyone into playing his accords. I barely got the chance to protest when he pushed me off the couch and threw a black turtleneck at my face.

"Hold on a second," Marco faces me on the bar stool, thanking Asher with a nod once his glass is refilled. "We're talking the first girl you've ever wanted to talk to for longer than a minute."

"You don't need to emphasize who broke up with whom." I scowl, slamming the glass on the countertop. "I was there."

Asher stands behind the counter listening intensely to our conversation while servicing customers. He uses a cloth to clean the droplets from my drink, and I shoot him an apologetic look. "Besides... we were never actually together."

Tristan shorts loudly, shaking his head in pure disbelief. "Is that your comfort words when you feel your heart ache in pain? I can literally hear it from my bedroom, bud."

"Both of you seriously need to shut the hell up."

"Hey," Marco lifts his beer in surrender. "Reid, I'm just trying to catch up. Heartaches can be brutal."

"My heart is fine." I scowl. My choice of beverage proves different but I didn't come here to talk about how brutal the last couple of weeks have been.

As Ross would say, I'm fine.

"Thanks for your concern, Colton, and for making me sound like a wimp, Holden."

"No," Tristan smiles mischievously, pointing a taunting finger at my face. "You should appreciate us, your best friends, for caring about you and your broken heart."

I wrap my hand around his finger, tightening my grip until he winches in pain. "It was the right call. Hayleigh is better off without me."

Tristan yanks his hand away quickly, moving his finger, acting like I actually broke it. "Does she agree or is this another set of comfort words?"

I narrow my eyes in response. If I keep telling myself that Hayleigh is better off without me, maybe one day, I might start to believe it.

"That's what I thought, Reid."

I give Tristan another glance and finish my drink. There's no point trying to enjoy it when it burns like hellfire. Hopefully, it will numb my feelings until I don't have to question why it feels like dipping my heart in boiling water each time I hear her name.

Marco stares at me wide-eyed when I place the empty glass back on the counter without the slightest grimace to the burning sensation. "I bet she's already fucking someone else. You know, to get back at you for leaving her."

I can't help but snort. He couldn't be more wrong about her.

I tilt my head to face his judging cloud-grey eyes. "Hayleigh believes the best revenge is none. To move on and don't be like the ones who hurt her. I know exactly what she's doing right now and fucking around is none of it."

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