Chapter 22.

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The drive back to camp the next morning was quiet, not awkward or anything just peaceful. I popped over to McKenna's before we left and explained everything, how I wasn't sure if I'd be back and what had happened to my dad. Of course being my best friend and knowing my dad for years she too cried her heart out. When all was explained and McKenna had calmed down we said goodbye and headed out onto the road. It's around lunchtime when Tanner and I arrive back at the camp site, the packs yet to find out about what happened while we were away.

"You ready to do this?"

"As I'll ever be," I say taking a deep breath opening the car door.

We're met by Chase and Leia who at first are happy to see us, that is until they see our beaten up faces and weakened appearance.

"Oh god what happened?" Leia gasps

"We're fine," Tanner answers

"I didn't ask if you were ok, I can see you're ok, you're alive. I asked what happened?"

"The other pack attacked," I explained. "They came to my house and attacked me in my own home, my dad's dead, they killed him."

"Oh Bree, I'm so sorry," Chase bows his head and pulls me into a hug, it's a weird feeling hugging Chase, especially when I feel Leia join in too.

"It's fine, he's in the trunk, I want to bury him even though he can't have a real funeral."

"We'll help you do that," Leia smiles softly.

"Thank you, how's mum?"

"We don't know, she's not been out her house and every time anyone tries to see her Cole makes up an excuse," Chase explains.

Things must not be getting any better if no one's seen her which means I'm going to have to do what she asked of me before I left. How am I meant to do that? I just lost my dad and now my mum is going to ask me to do the impossible.

"I need to see her," I say and Tanner nods. "Will you get started on digging and I'll join you when I'm done?"

"Yeah sure."

"We'll help," Chase adds and I nod in his direction thanking him.

I leave Tanner with Leia and Chase and make my way toward my mum's house, on the way I do bump into the other members of the pack, all of them asking what happened and if I'm ok. I stop and speak with them briefly before continuing on to mum's house, when I get there I don't bother knocking.

"Who's there?" Cole shouts as he appears from nowhere in the hall.

"Chill out bro, it's me!"

"Where did you go? Look at the state of you, what happened?"

"Don't treat me like a kid Cole, you don't know what I've been through lately," I snap angrily at him.

My emotions are getting the better of me, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be feeling right now, I'm angry at the wolf pack that killed my dad, I'm sad that my mother is dying and there's nothing anyone can do to help and most of all I'm falling in love with a guy who I last night spent the night with, so many emotions to keep under control.

"I want to see mum," I demand and he steps aside extending his arm.

When I reach the room my mum is laid up in my mouth drops, in a matter of days she has deteriorated so much, so much to the extent that I don't even recognise her anymore.

"Mum," I whisper

"Bree, you're back, Cole told me you left, where did you go? What happened to your face?" she speaks in a quiet tone

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