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Isadora's POV

Zion walked into my office with the breakfast I had asked him to get me an hour ago.

What took him so long all I wanted was a bagel.

"Isadora honey I have an event I've been invited to and I need a couple of thousands for everything I have to get."he was caressing my cheek his hands slowly moving lower.

Zion and I were together for over two years now, he was my first everything-my first love,my first fuck,my first kiss everything.

I loved Zion the first time I laid my eyes on him I fell head over heels for him.

The first few months of our relationship were amazing he was the sweetest and took me out on dates almost every week.

The longer we dated the more his life started falling apart ,he lost his job and started going out more with his new friends.

I was happy for him honestly he was making a new life for himself.

I removed his hand"I'm sorry I'm kind of busy-get back to me in two hours."his expression changed to one of anger but quickly changed to one of hunger.

Everytime Zion and I would get into a fight he would stick his dick in me within seconds-And that's almost everyday.

He refused to take therapy multiple times saying he doesn't need it so I left him alone.

I love Zion and I want him to stop using sex as a form of calming down-I loved the sex but it was how we'd lead to having it that was conurning.

"How much."I grabbed my phone off the desk ready to put in the amount he was asking for.

"Ten thousand."my eyes shot wide open.

"Zion what do you need ten thousand for."

He planted a soft kiss on my lips."Don't worry."

I pressed in the digits and sent him the money.

"There you go ten thousand dollars in your account."

He took my phone and placed it on the table then gestured me to get up-his hands explored my curves then gripping me tightly he placed me on the table slowly leaving trails of kisses on my neck.

"Just a quick one."


I threw my Chanel purse on the white sofa and took off my heels, wearing heels for the whole entire day was absolutely tiring.

It was about 10pm when I arrived at the penthouse and Zion was still not back so I ordered myself some dinner.

I sat on the kitchen table with a bottle of red aged wine on one hand and my phone flashing quite a common caller Id on the other.

I picked up the phone and placed on my ear as I poured myself another glass of red wine.

"Hey love I need you to pick out your sexiest dress were going out tonight."I turned my head to the clock as if I didn't know the time already.

"Reina it's 10:30 on a Wednesday night-and you want to go out."

"You've been working too much this week, love you need a break."

She wasn't lying Euphoria has been super busy lately and obviously management needed me to ease things out.

"Fine send me your location I'll meet you there."

"Now that's my girl."

Reina's taste in clubs was expensive as hell not that I couldn't afford it-I could buy the whole place if I wanted to.

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