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Isadora's POV

I had to leave for the office early this morning since I had to send out some papers and the earlier I start the earlier I can finish.

Aria came into my office and the expression spread across her face did not look pleasant.

"Mrs Green there is a man outside demanding to talk to you."

I'm really not in the mood for this.

"Did he make an appointment?"

"No ma,am but he's insisting to talk to you."

Suddenly a tall man barged into my office and as soon as I turned to face him my eyes widened with fright.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

"Mrs Green we need to talk."

"I'm sorry sir but..."

The man raised his hand shutting Aria up"Who do you think you are barging into my office and thinking you can fucking do whatever the fuck you want."

He looked at Aria and back at me "Aria can you please give us some space."

When Aria left he never stopped examining me, his eyes traveled every inch of my body and the room grew tense.

This man was eye fucking me right now.

"Erian Romano."


He took a seat in front of me and I was so confused.

"Isadora am I correct."ok what's with the names.

"Look if this is about last night I really don't care whatever it is I don't have the time for it."

"Though last night was a wonderful night and I wish I could talk about I'm more I'm not here for that."

"Than what are you here for?"

He crossed his legs letting his body relax on the brown arm chair.

"I'm here to buy Euphoria."ok straight to the point.


"I don't think you heard me correctly let me repeat myself-im Erian Romano and I'm going to buy Euphoria for billions of dollars if I have to."

"No."he let out a deep chuckle, his voice sending vibrations throughout my body.

If this man thought I was just going to hand over the business my mother built up from the ground just like that then he must be crazy.

He stood up and his frame instantly made the room feel smaller , taking small steps towards me he went around the table and stood behind me.

I really didn't know what was going on but I couldn't find it I me to stop it.

He brushed my thick curls off my shoulder onto the other and I could feel his breaths panting on my shoulder "I'll bend you over this table and spank your little ass until you cry out for mommy if that's what it takes for you to hand me over Euphoria."Then he walked back and took his seat as if he didn't just say that.

As soon as my eyes left his I felt like I could finally release the breath I've been holding in for so long.

"I'm not handing you shit-this is my club-Euphoria is my club and your never going to get your hands on it... Mr Romano."I said calmly, he may look scary but he is not scarring me and he's not even close to.

"Ok fine then but this is definitely not the last time your going to see me."He stood up and walked towards the door before turning to face me"Can't wait to see you again Ms Green."Then he left.

Number one who the fuck was this man and someone has to tell him his ego is too high.

I think I liked him better last night and number two I'm very hungry I should probably get some breakfast


I've been sitting on the dinner table for over twenty minutes waiting for Zion-i texted him an hour ago and he assured me he'd be here on time.

I'm even thinking of just eating alone and going to bed at this point-I mean it's late already.

Right when I'm about to pour myself another glass of wine Zion walks in looking as if he just found out his dead grandmother died.

He came over to the dinner table after placing his car keys on the key tray.

"Hey baby."he said as he left soft kisses on my neck.

"Why didn't you call to tell me you're going to be late?"

"My phone was off."

"But it said that the massage was sent when I texted you."

"Yeah it switched off before I could answer it." It still didn't make sense to me but I guess that might have been what happened.

"Well then take a seat I prepared some dinner for us."after a long day of work I still managed to make us a full course meal.

I was labeled the best cook in my family and with a title like that I would never disappoint when it came to the kitchen.

We ate our dinner with small conversations here and there but not a full one since Zion was not a very talkative man.

I asked him were he'd been all this time and he just said he was with his sister who was in town for a day so he took her to a concert.

After dinner I told him I'd take care of the dishes and I'll see him when Im done.

After loading the dishes in the dishwasher I was already a bit tired by now and went into our bedroom,Zion was taking a shower so I used this as an opportunity to try on my new lingerie set.

I picked it out knowing he was going to love it, I waited on the bed in my lingerie until he finished his shower.

He came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist showcasing his sharp V line and the look on his face indicated he was going to love this night.

"Oh baby how I love seeing you in that."he groaned as he walked over to the bed and slowly climbing on it before he met me face to face.

"I'm going to enjoy eating your tight little cunt tonight."then his lips crashed onto mine.


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