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Isadora's POV

I was contemplating whether I should call my lawyer or not.

Earlier this morning I got a call from my accountant confirming to transfer a large sum of money to an off shore account.

Since it was suspicious activity I thought of calling my lawyer.

No one has access to Euphoria's finances but me, not even Zion, now that I think about it ever since Erian came to town a few things had become suspicious.

And maybe he could be the one trying to steal from my business.

I mean it all made sense the man is desperate for Euphoria the club does make a lot of money and is the best in New York.

I thought of confronting him but I'll check in with my accountant first.

I packed everything at the office when Aria Walked in stopping me from leaving.

"Sorry to interrupt you Ms Green but Mr Peterson is here to see you."

"Let him in."

Zion walked in looking angrier than usual "I don't have to ask to see my girlfriend Aria."He shouted at Aria.

"Zion keep it down, this is a professional building."

"Babe why did some guy threaten me telling me they'd kill me if I didn't stop—stop—" he frozen mid sentence.

"Stop what Zion?"

"Do you know him?"

"Know who? Zion what are you talking about who's threatening you?"

"Babe he mentioned your name so you must know him or are you cheating on me."He said more aggressively this time.

"What no I would never do that."

"Don't lie to me Isadora."

"I'm not lying—can we talk about this later I'm at work and your causing a commotion."

Zion turned away placing one hand on his hip and the other on his chin looking rather stressed that usual.


"Shut up I'm thinking."he shouted.

Zion and I fought often but this time it seems like it was something serious like he was nervous about something.

We only had small stupid fights here and there but this was different.

"Don't you dare shout at me and get out or I'm calling security."

"I'll say whatever I want to say."

"I said get out Zion I don't want to fight."

He turned around once again and stepped closer to me, feeling nervous and a bit frightened I stepped back and soon hit a wall.

"Isadora you are nothing without me, you'd be dead if I hadn't been there for you— you should thank me."

Something was off with him and in this moment I felt fear towards my very own partner.

Zion is not lying we started dating when things went bad for me and our relationship gave me hope but it wasn't Zion who saved me I did it all by myself.

"Get away from me."I pushed him away.

He looked at me rage filling his eyes."You'll fucking regret this." Then he stormed out of the office.

I sat down at my desk multiple emotions running through me.

I need a drink.


Reina held me in a hug with a box of tissues beside her as we sat on my bed.

After a few glasses of wine I broke down and called Reina and a twenty minutes later she was knocking on my door with a box of tissues in hand.

And that's how it got to me venting about everything that has been going on to her.

Reina never left me to deal with things by myself so she always found a way to help me through it.

"Should I order us some food." She asked as she held her phone in her other hand.

"How about some Chinese food."I answered her, feeling a bit better now.

I've gone through so many emotions in a day I just felt like melting in a puddle.

"Chinese food it is."

I have thought about leaving Zion for a while now, he's changed so much In the past year and I feel like it's just not going to end well.

He's taken advantage of me and Reina has made it clear that I should have left him a long time ago and I never listened.

Staying with Zion has demotivated me and we've been getting in more fights lately.

He's refused to take therapy multiple times and I think he's been lying to me.

I don't think I'll be able to do this anymore.


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